


...some quantity defined by a quotient ($y / (\Delta y)$) in this case...

...some fractional value (e.g. $z = 1 / (2 x)$)...






\section{Original version}
\par\emph{Slightly modified.}
\par\dots{} some quantity defined by a quotient ($y / \Delta y$) in this case \dots
\par\dots{} some fractional value (e.\,g., $z = 1 / (2\,x)$) \dots

\section{Replacing the outer pair of parentheses}
\par\emph{Might be a good option.}
\par\dots{} some quantity defined by \emph{the} quotient $y / \Delta y$ in this case \dots
\par\dots{} some fractional value, e.\,g., $z = 1 / (2\,x)$, \dots

\section{Using a negative exponent}
\par\emph{Seems even better.}
\par\dots{} some quantity defined by a quotient ($y \cdot \Delta y^{-1})$ in this case \dots
\par\dots{} some fractional value (e.\,g., $z = (2\,x)^{-1}$), \dots

\section{Using a text fraction}
\par\emph{Not recommended because it increases the line spread.}
\par\dots{} some quantity defined by a quotient \big($\tfrac{y}{\Delta y}$\big) in this case \dots
\par\dots{} some fractional value \big(e.\,g., $z = \tfrac{1}{2\,x}$\big), \dots

\section{Using display math style}
\par\emph{May put too much emphasis on the formulae to be embedded.}
\par\dots{} some quantity defined by a quotient 
\frac{y}{\Delta y}
in this case \dots
\par\dots{} some fractional value, e.\,g., 
z = \frac{1}{2\,x}\,, 


MWE 的输出
