在 pgfplot 中均匀分布 y 轴刻度

在 pgfplot 中均匀分布 y 轴刻度




    Month,              Year,       Host-Count
    Jul,                1993,       1776000
    Jul,                1994,       3212000    
    Jul,                1995,       6642000    
    Jul,                1996,       12881000   
    Jul,                1997,       19540000   
    Jul,                1998,       36739000   
    Jul,                1999,       56218000   
    Jul,                2000,       93047785   
    Jul,                2001,       125888197  
    Jul,                2002,       162128493    
    Jan,                2003,       171638297    
    Jul,                2004,       285139107    
    Jul,                2005,       353284187    
    Jul,                2006,       439286364    
    Jul,                2007,       489774269    
    Jul,                2008,       570937778    
    Jul,                2009,       681064561    
    Jul,                2010,       768913036       
    Jul,                2011,       849869781    
    Jul,                2012,       908585739    
    Jul,                2013,       996230757    
    Jul,                2014,       1028544414      
    Jul,                2015,       1033836245      
    Jan,                2016,       1048766623      
    Jul,                2017,       1074971748      


            %           \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{Figures/HostsIncreaseICS.csv}\datatable
            %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
            enlarge x limits=.01,
            xlabel near ticks,
            xticklabel style={rotate=90,anchor=east},
            x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep ={} },
            %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
            %-------------- Scaling ------------            
            scale only axis,
            log ticks with fixed point,
            scaled ticks=false,
            /pgf/number format/fixed,
            minor tick num=3,   
            grid style={line width=.1pt, draw=gray!10},
            major grid style={line width=.2pt,draw=gray!50},

            \addplot +[smooth] table [col sep=comma, x=Year,y=Host-Count] {filename.csv};

        }%end resizebox


输出: 在此处输入图片描述

我想修复 y 轴刻度。我还想保留所有数据点。我不想对值使用对数底数。有什么想法吗?








Month,              Year,       Host-Count
Jul,                1993,       1776000
Jul,                1994,       3212000    
Jul,                1995,       6642000    
Jul,                1996,       12881000   
Jul,                1997,       19540000   
Jul,                1998,       36739000   
Jul,                1999,       56218000   
Jul,                2000,       93047785   
Jul,                2001,       125888197  
Jul,                2002,       162128493    
Jan,                2003,       171638297    
Jul,                2004,       285139107    
Jul,                2005,       353284187    
Jul,                2006,       439286364    
Jul,                2007,       489774269    
Jul,                2008,       570937778    
Jul,                2009,       681064561    
Jul,                2010,       768913036       
Jul,                2011,       849869781    
Jul,                2012,       908585739    
Jul,                2013,       996230757    
Jul,                2014,       1028544414      
Jul,                2015,       1033836245      
Jan,                2016,       1048766623      
Jul,                2017,       1074971748      


        %           \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{Figures/HostsIncreaseICS.csv}\datatable
        %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
        enlarge x limits=.01,
        xlabel near ticks,
        xticklabel style={rotate=90,anchor=east},
        x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep ={} },
        %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
        %ytick=data,% <- remove this line
        %-------------- Scaling ------------            
        scale only axis,
        %log ticks with fixed point,
        scaled ticks=false,
        /pgf/number format/fixed,
        minor tick num=3,   
        grid style={line width=.1pt, draw=gray!10},
        major grid style={line width=.2pt,draw=gray!50},

        \addplot +[smooth] table [col sep=comma, x=Year,y=Host-Count] {filename.csv};

    }%end resizebox


如果您确实想要使用ytick=data,并且两个连续刻度之间的距离不应取决于相关 y 值之间的差异(这对我来说似乎很奇怪),那么您必须在y expr=\coordindex绘图和设置yticklabels from table={filename.csv}{Host-Count},中使用axis。此外,我会将其用于\scriptsize刻度标签。



Month,              Year,       Host-Count
Jul,                1993,       1776000
Jul,                1994,       3212000    
Jul,                1995,       6642000    
Jul,                1996,       12881000   
Jul,                1997,       19540000   
Jul,                1998,       36739000   
Jul,                1999,       56218000   
Jul,                2000,       93047785   
Jul,                2001,       125888197  
Jul,                2002,       162128493    
Jan,                2003,       171638297    
Jul,                2004,       285139107    
Jul,                2005,       353284187    
Jul,                2006,       439286364    
Jul,                2007,       489774269    
Jul,                2008,       570937778    
Jul,                2009,       681064561    
Jul,                2010,       768913036       
Jul,                2011,       849869781    
Jul,                2012,       908585739    
Jul,                2013,       996230757    
Jul,                2014,       1028544414      
Jul,                2015,       1033836245      
Jan,                2016,       1048766623      
Jul,                2017,       1074971748      


        %           \pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{Figures/HostsIncreaseICS.csv}\datatable
        %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
        enlarge x limits=.01,
        xlabel near ticks,
        xticklabel style={rotate=90,anchor=east},
        x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep ={} },
        %------------X-Axis data and style---------------
        yticklabels from table={filename.csv}{Host-Count},% <- added
        tick label style={font=\scriptsize},% <- added
        %-------------- Scaling ------------            
        scale only axis,
        %log ticks with fixed point,
        scaled ticks=false,
        /pgf/number format/fixed,
        minor tick num=3,
        grid style={line width=.1pt, draw=gray!10},
        major grid style={line width=.2pt,draw=gray!50},

        \addplot +[smooth] table [col sep=comma, x=Year,
            y expr=\coordindex% <- changed
            ] {filename.csv};

    }%end resizebox



