我想添加一些两列形式的代码示例。左边是描述,右边是 REPL 输入代码和输出。
以下是 MWE:
We restrict our sorting functions to permutations of the numbers $1\cdots n$. A simple way to visualize the amount of ``sortedness'' in such a list of numbers is a picture obtained with {\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont\texttt{ListPlot}}.
This definition is used to plot permutations of the numbers $1\cdots n$ with suitable settings of graphics options. &
In[1]:= PermutationPlot[l_List, opts___] :=
ListPlot[ l,
PlotRange -> { {0.5, Length[l]+0.5},
{0.5, Length[l]+0.5} },
PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.75/Length[l]],
opts, Axes->None, FrameTicks->None,
Frame->True, AspectRatio->1 ]
Here is a random permutation. &
In[2]:= p1 = PermutationPlot[
DisplayFunction->Identity ];
Sed efficitur diam eget ante elementum pharetra. Nullam dignissim pulvinar molestie. Sed dapibus tristique feugiat.
无需任何包装。将其设为 2 列表格。
\noindent We restrict the inputs of our sorting functions to permutations of the numbers $1\dots n$. A simple way to visualize the amount of ``sortedness'' in such a list of numbers is a picture obtained with \texttt{ListPlot}.
This definition is used to plot permutations of the numbers $1\dots n$ with suitable settings of graphics options.&%
\begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}l@{}}\verb`In[1]:= `& \verb`PermutationPlot[1_List, opts___] :=`\\%
&\hspace{.2in}\verb`ListPlot[ 1,`\\%
&\hspace{.4in}\verb`PlotRange -> { {0.5,Length[1]+0.5},`\\
&\hspace{.4in}\hphantom{\texttt{PlotRange -> ( }}\verb`{0.5,Length[1]+0.5} },`\\
&\hspace{.4in}\verb`opts, Axes->None, FrameTicks->None,`\\
&\hspace{.4in}\verb`Frame->True,AspectRatio->1 ]`
\rule{0pt}{4ex}Here is a random permutation.&%
\begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}l@{}}\verb`In[2]:= `& \verb`PermutationPlot[`\\%
&\hspace{.2in}\verb`{9, 10, 6, 8, 2, 4, 12, 1, 7, 5, 3, 11},`\\%
&\hspace{.2in}\verb`DisplayFunction->Identity ];`