

我正在尝试创建一个视觉上更具吸引力的图形,看起来像下面的 MWE 的输出。



  %\captionof{figure}[The caption.]{}
    \draw (0,0) node(origin) {}; 
    %rectangle (.4\textwidth,40mm);
    \draw (origin.west) +(4pt,-8pt) node(caporg){}; 
    \draw [blue, fill=blue] (caporg.south) +(0.0,0.0) -- +(0.09,0.18) -- +(0.18,0) node (arroweast){} -- cycle;
    \draw [font=\sffamily\bfseries,blue] (arroweast.east) +(-2pt,+10pt) node[anchor=north west](caption) { Figure \thefigure};
    \draw [font=\sffamily,black,text justified, text width=#1] (caporg.south west) +(-1pt,-2pt) node[anchor=north west](description)
      \mdseries #3
    \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] (image) (origin.north west)

} % \CustomFigure ENDS



Some more lipsum.\newline

    \caption{Just a figure.}

\CustomFigure{example-image-b}{\textbf{Header text.} The crazy monkey jumped over the sleeping lion. He met quick brown fox from his own lipsum.}

See figures '\ref{fig:NFa}' and '\ref{fig:NFb}'  for details. 



'example-image-a' 像往常一样是一个图形。当然可以。

现在,“CustomImage”的输出产生了所需的视觉效果,但图形列表却被搞乱了。它只显示“真实”图形,而不显示自定义图形。(顺便说一句,CustomFigure 不是一个环境,因为它不会绘制文本中的多个字符。)

我以为可以通过添加一个来解决这个问题\captionof{figure}[The caption.]{}(它确实可以解决这个问题),但这样一来标题本身也会被放置。有没有办法只设置 \thefigure(带步进计数器的步进图形)的标题而不使用 captionof?






这些必须手动完成,\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\protect\numberline{\thefigure}#4}其中#4标题文本来自可选的第 4 个参数,#3如果未指定则为默认参数。(参见第 3 种用法)。

\refstepcounterDavid Carlisle 已经提出了用法。




  %\captionof{figure}[The caption.]{}
    \draw (0,0) node(origin) {}; 
    %rectangle (.4\textwidth,40mm);
    \draw (origin.west) +(4pt,-8pt) node(caporg){}; 
    \draw [blue, fill=blue] (caporg.south) +(0.0,0.0) -- +(0.09,0.18) -- +(0.18,0) node (arroweast){} -- cycle;
    \draw [font=\sffamily\bfseries,blue] (arroweast.east) +(-2pt,+10pt) node[anchor=north west](caption) { Figure \thefigure};
    \draw [font=\sffamily,black,text justified, text width=#1] (caporg.south west) +(-1pt,-2pt) node[anchor=north west](description)
      \mdseries #3%
    \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] (image) (origin.north west)
} % \CustomFigure ENDS



Some more lipsum.\newline

    \caption{Just a figure.}

\CustomFigure{example-image-b}{\label{fig:NFb}\textbf{Header text.} The crazy monkey jumped over the sleeping lion. He met quick brown fox from his own lipsum. }

\CustomFigure{example-image-b}{\label{fig:NFc}\textbf{Header text.} The crazy monkey jumped over the sleeping lion. He met quick brown fox from his own lipsum.}[And some shorter Text]

See figures '\ref{fig:NFa}' and '\ref{fig:NFb}'  for details. 








    \draw (0,0) node(origin) {}; 
    %rectangle (.4\textwidth,40mm);
    \draw (origin.west) +(4pt,-8pt) node(caporg){}; 
    \draw [blue, fill=blue] (caporg.south) +(0.0,0.0) -- +(0.09,0.18) -- +(0.18,0) node (arroweast){} -- cycle;
    \draw [font=\sffamily\bfseries,blue] (arroweast.east) +(-2pt,+10pt) node[anchor=north west](caption) { Figure \thefigure};
    \draw [font=\sffamily,black,text justified, text width=#1] (caporg.south west) +(-1pt,-2pt) node[anchor=north west](description)
      \mdseries #3%
    \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt] (image) (origin.north west)
} % \CustomFigure ENDS



Some more lipsum.\newline

    \caption{Just a figure.}

\CustomFigure{example-image-b}{\label{fig:NFb}\textbf{Header text.} The crazy monkey jumped over the sleeping lion. He met quick brown fox from his own lipsum. }

\CustomFigure{example-image-b}{\label{fig:NFc}\textbf{Header text.} The crazy monkey jumped over the sleeping lion. He met quick brown fox from his own lipsum.}

See figures '\ref{fig:NFa}' and '\ref{fig:NFb}'  for details. 


