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\caption{Regressions with positive trade flows. Dependent variable: trade flows (log)}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) \\
& & & & & & & \\
GDP origin (log) & 1.027*** & 1.026*** & 1.017*** & 1.006*** & 1.031*** & 1.035*** & 1.025*** \\
& (768.36) & (768.44) & (763.19) & (728.81) & (742.00) & (744.59) & (735.26) \\
& & & & & & & \\
GDP destination (log) & 0.859*** & 0.858*** & 0.850*** & 0.850*** & 0.872*** & 0.876*** & 0.866*** \\
& (672.51) & (672.43) & (667.15) & (641.06) & (654.84) & (657.39) & (647.66) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Distance (log) & -1.218*** & -1.160*** & -1.049*** & -1.058*** & -1.027*** & -1.024*** & -1.021*** \\
& (-359.45) & (-315.65) & (-268.14) & (-269.71) & (-263.32) & (-262.83) & (-263.03) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for contiguity & & 0.705*** & 0.674*** & 0.679*** & 0.496*** & 0.457*** & 0.433*** \\
& & (40.36) & (38.76) & (39.10) & (28.63) & (26.39) & (25.06) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for free trade agreement in force & & & 1.137*** & 1.101*** & 1.073*** & 1.057*** & 1.074*** \\
& & & (79.62) & (76.90) & (75.56) & (74.52) & (75.90) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if origin is GATT/WTO & & & & 0.210*** & 0.189*** & 0.193*** & 0.190*** \\
& & & & (31.70) & (28.70) & (29.41) & (29.07) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if destination is GATT/WTO & & & & 0.0428*** & 0.0210** & 0.0229*** & 0.0199** \\
& & & & (6.53) & (3.23) & (3.53) & (3.07) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for common official of primary language & & & & & 0.782*** & 0.632*** & 0.549*** \\
& & & & & (103.79) & (76.99) & (66.17) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for common legal origin & & & & & & 0.296*** & 0.263*** \\
& & & & & & (45.26) & (40.30) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if current or past colonial link & & & & & & & 1.093*** \\
& & & & & & & (60.30) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Constant & -4.008*** & -4.525*** & -5.327*** & -5.274*** & -6.007*** & -6.176*** & -6.061*** \\
& (-65.52) & (-72.48) & (-84.65) & (-83.84) & (-95.71) & (-98.38) & (-96.79) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\
Observations & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 \\
\item Note: t statistics in parentheses. * p$<$0.05 ** p$<$0.01 *** p$<$0.001
\begin{tabular}{p{110}ccccccc} % <==================================110
\begin{tabular}{p{5cm}ccccccc} % <==================================110
然后您的表格足够小,可以位于页面中央,如下面的 MWE 所示:
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\caption{Regressions with positive trade flows. Dependent variable: trade flows (log)}
\begin{tabular}{p{5cm}ccccccc} % <==================================110
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) \\
& & & & & & & \\
GDP origin (log) & 1.027*** & 1.026*** & 1.017*** & 1.006*** & 1.031*** & 1.035*** & 1.025*** \\
& (768.36) & (768.44) & (763.19) & (728.81) & (742.00) & (744.59) & (735.26) \\
& & & & & & & \\
GDP destination (log) & 0.859*** & 0.858*** & 0.850*** & 0.850*** & 0.872*** & 0.876*** & 0.866*** \\
& (672.51) & (672.43) & (667.15) & (641.06) & (654.84) & (657.39) & (647.66) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Distance (log) & -1.218*** & -1.160*** & -1.049*** & -1.058*** & -1.027*** & -1.024*** & -1.021*** \\
& (-359.45) & (-315.65) & (-268.14) & (-269.71) & (-263.32) & (-262.83) & (-263.03) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for contiguity & & 0.705*** & 0.674*** & 0.679*** & 0.496*** & 0.457*** & 0.433*** \\
& & (40.36) & (38.76) & (39.10) & (28.63) & (26.39) & (25.06) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for free trade agreement in force & & & 1.137*** & 1.101*** & 1.073*** & 1.057*** & 1.074*** \\
& & & (79.62) & (76.90) & (75.56) & (74.52) & (75.90) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if origin is GATT/WTO & & & & 0.210*** & 0.189*** & 0.193*** & 0.190*** \\
& & & & (31.70) & (28.70) & (29.41) & (29.07) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if destination is GATT/WTO & & & & 0.0428*** & 0.0210** & 0.0229*** & 0.0199** \\
& & & & (6.53) & (3.23) & (3.53) & (3.07) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for common official of primary language & & & & & 0.782*** & 0.632*** & 0.549*** \\
& & & & & (103.79) & (76.99) & (66.17) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 for common legal origin & & & & & & 0.296*** & 0.263*** \\
& & & & & & (45.26) & (40.30) \\
& & & & & & & \\
1 if current or past colonial link & & & & & & & 1.093*** \\
& & & & & & & (60.30) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Constant & -4.008*** & -4.525*** & -5.327*** & -5.274*** & -6.007*** & -6.176*** & -6.061*** \\
& (-65.52) & (-72.48) & (-84.65) & (-83.84) & (-95.71) & (-98.38) & (-96.79) \\
& & & & & & & \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\
Observations & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 & 624145 \\
\item Note: t statistics in parentheses. * p$<$0.05 ** p$<$0.01 *** p$<$0.001
到 MWE。