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\title{Brief Article}
\author{The Author}
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Panel c, which has a gate on the 618 keV transition, shows cleanly the decay path labeled as Band 1 of the level-scheme illustrated in figure \ref{w162_levels}, in panel b, gating on the 450 keV $2^+ \rightarrow 0^+$ transition, this band still dominates the spectrum, but it is clear that there are other linking structures. Band 2 was confirmed by gating on the 535 keV transition, which appears to decay into Band 1 via the 296 keV transition.


\caption{Level Scheme deduced for , transition energies are given in keV and relative intensities are represented by arrow widths.}

$E_\gamma$ (keV) & $I_\gamma$ &  $A_2$&$A_4$ & Multipolarity \\ 


99.4 & 3.7 & &&(E2)\\
%144.5 & \multirow{2}{*}[1pt]{$\left.\rule{0cm}{0.35cm}\right\} $ 29.2} & -0.48& 0.60 * &M1/E1? \\
143.5 & 3.8 & -0.48& 0.60 * &M1/E1? \\
146.8& 24.6  & -0.33,&-0.09 *& M1  \\
167.5 & 7.0 & &&(E2)\\
179.3 & 83.7& -0.18& 0.09 &M1/E1?\\
229.6 & 12.3& -0.44&1.02 &M1/E1?\\
480.8 & 14.4& 0.30& 0.18 & E2 \\
489.2 & 35.6 & 0.31& 0.20 & E2 \\
544.2 & 97.9 & 0.17&-0.01& E2 \\
557.7 & 66.8 & 0.20& 0.07& E2 \\
569.7 & 36.6 & 0.19&-0.11& E2 \\
589.2 & 49.9 & 0.18& -0.35 &  E2 \\
597.8& 100.0 & 0.17& -0.09 & E2 \\
\caption{* is unresolved doublets}


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