无法调整 tabularx 的大小?

无法调整 tabularx 的大小?

我对 TeX 还很陌生,似乎无法弄清楚为什么这个表格没有调整大小。



        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ || l | l | l || }
        \textbf{What will be measured} & \textbf{Why is it being measured} 
        & \textbf{How is it being measured}\\

        High fps camera footage. & Have a visual record of the secondary 
        mission events. & Using the bridgetek CleO-CAM1 camera module.\\
        Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and environmental gasses. & 
        For telemetry to base station, fulfilling primary mission. & Via a 
        PCB-integrated Bosch BME680.\\
        Vrms across secondary mission inductor coils. & For power calculations
        and analysis from base station. & A non-inverting amplifier used 
        to proportionally increase voltage output. A high resolution 
        linear ADC reads voltage.\\
        GPS coordinates. & To aid cansat tracking. & The MTK3339 GPS 
        is mounted to the main PCB and wired to a dedicated antenna 
        on the side of the cansat.\\
        Rotation, acceleration and relative position. & Additional data to aid
        primary and secondary mission. & FXOS8700 + FXAS21002 9DOF
        module soldered to the main PCB.\\
        Vibrations. & Data for secondary mission power generation 
        performance. & Mechanical vibration sensor with accelerometer 
        from 9DOF package.\\
        3D magnetic field strength. & Data for secondary mission efficiency
        analysis. & 3 Honeywell SS400 Series hall effect sensors aligned 
        to 3 independent axes.\\
        Rms current generated by secondary mission inductor coils. & For 
        power calculations and analysis from base station. & ACS712ELC in
        series with each inductor coil.\\

这给出了以下输出,该输出无法水平放置在 A4 纵向页面上:




我还想鼓励您为表格添加更多“开放”的材料,方法是 (a) 省略所有垂直线,(b) 使用更少的水平线,以及 (c) 使用包的宏来booktabs绘制剩余的几条水平线。不再使用\hline\hhline指令...请注意,空白与黑线一样有效,可以创建视觉分隔。

您的读者将会欣赏表格的开放式外观 - 而且他们很可能会花时间阅读和吸收表格的内容来奖励您的努力。:-)


\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set page block parameters suitably

% just for this example...
\subsubsection{What will be measured, why, and how?}

\setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt} % default value: 6pt
%% \centering % not needed since "tabularx" occupies full width of text block
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} YYY @{}}
        \textbf{What will be measured} & 
        \textbf{Why is it being measured} & 
        \textbf{How is it being measured}\\

        High fps camera footage. 
        & Have a visual record of the secondary mission events. 
        & Using the bridgetek CleO-CAM1 camera module.\\

        Barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and environmental gasses. 
        & For telemetry to base station, fulfilling primary mission. 
        & Via a PCB-integrated Bosch BME680.\\

        Vrms across secondary mission inductor coils. 
        & For power calculations and analysis from base station. 
        & A non-inverting amplifier used to proportionally increase voltage output. A high resolution linear ADC reads voltage.\\

        GPS coordinates. 
        & To aid cansat tracking. 
        & The MTK3339 GPS is mounted to the main PCB and wired to a dedicated antenna on the side of the cansat.\\

        Rotation, acceleration and relative position. 
        & Additional data to aid primary and secondary mission. 
        & FXOS8700 + FXAS21002 9DOF module soldered to the main PCB.\\

        & Data for secondary mission power generation performance. 
        & Mechanical vibration sensor with accelerometer from 9DOF package.\\

        3D magnetic field strength. 
        & Data for secondary mission efficiency analysis. 
        & 3 Honeywell SS400 Series hall effect sensors aligned to 3 independent axes.\\

        Rms current generated by secondary mission inductor coils. 
        & For power calculations and analysis from base station. 
        & ACS712ELC in series with each inductor coil. \\
