包来创建索引。我需要做的是将索引设为 2 列,而我的文档为 1 列,并将其与参考书目放在同一页上。
如何制作没有分页符的索引,我发现这个问题但没有关于如何在 1 列文档中使其成为 2 列的内容。
\documentclass[a4paper, slovak, twwoside]{article}
\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=3cm]{geometry}
% Index
% Redefine theindex enviroment so it won't place index on new page
% This also makes the index 1 columns, which I don't want
\parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
\columnseprule \z@
\columnsep 35\p@
Some one\index{one} column\index{column} block\index{block} of text...
% 2 column index on the same page
One column bibliography...
因此从这个例子中,我想在和同一页面上获得 2 行、2 列的Some text...
索引One column bibliography...
\documentclass[a4paper, slovak, twwoside]{article}
\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=3cm]{geometry}
% Index
% Redefine theindex enviroment so it won't place index on new page
% This also makes the index 1 columns, which I don't want
\parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
\columnseprule \z@
\columnsep 35\p@
Some one\index{one} column\index{column} block\index{block} of
% 2 column index on the same page
One column bibliography...