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\caption{TGA/DTGA reaction intervals, peak temperatures and mass losses of oil shale combustion}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{Second stages} \multicolumn{5}{c}{Third stages}\\
\cmidrule(l{2pt}r{2pt}){2-4} \cmidrule(l{2pt}r{2pt}){5-7}
\bfseries{$\beta$($^o$C min$^{-1}$)}&\bfseries{Interval($^o$C)}& \bfseries{T$_{max}$$^a$($^o$C)}&\bfseries{loss(\%)}&\bfseries{Interval($^o$C)}&\bfseries{T$_{max}$($^o$C)}&\bfseries{loss(\%)}\\
5& 230$-$533 & 387 & 15.2 & 533$-$924 & 593 and 679 & 7.5 \\
10& 250$-$546 & 402 & 15.0 & 546$-$944 & 612 and 693 & 7.4 \\
20& 255$-$567 & 414 & 15.4 & 567$-$940 & 629 and 710 & 7.2 \\
30& 262$-$571 & 423 & 15.3 & 571$-$949 & 639 and 721 & 6.9 \\
40& 274$-$572 & 437 and 453 & 15.5 & 572$-$942 & 649 and 732 & 6.8 \\
50& 273$-$576 & 451 & 15.6 & 576$-$948 & 649 and 741& 6.7 \\
\parbox{0.85\textwidth}{\scriptsize{$^a$The temperature at which the maximum mass loss rate reached}}
请注意,下面的代码无需调用 即可运行\resizebox
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} % for \tnote macro and \tablenotes env.
\caption{TGA/DTGA reaction intervals, peak temperatures and mass losses of oil shale combustion}
\begin{tabular}{@{} S[table-format=2.0] *{6}{c} @{}}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{Second stages}
&\multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Third stages}\\
\cmidrule(lr){2-4} \cmidrule(l){5-7}
& Interval & $T_{\max}$\tnote{a} & loss
& Interval & $T_{\max}$\tnote{a} & loss\\
& (\si{\celsius}) & (\si{\celsius}) & (\%)
& (\si{\celsius}) & (\si{\celsius}) & (\%)\\
5& 230--533 & 387 & 15.2 & 533--924 & 593 \& 679 & 7.5 \\
10& 250--546 & 402 & 15.0 & 546--944 & 612 \& 693 & 7.4 \\
20& 255--567 & 414 & 15.4 & 567--940 & 629 \& 710 & 7.2 \\
30& 262--571 & 423 & 15.3 & 571--949 & 639 \& 721 & 6.9 \\
40& 274--572 & 437 \& 453 & 15.5 & 572--942 & 649 \& 732 & 6.8 \\
50& 273--576 & 451 & 15.6 & 576--948 & 649 \& 741 & 6.7 \\
\item[a] The temperature at which the maximum mass loss rate is reached.