Windows 7 中的 MikTex 安装问题

Windows 7 中的 MikTex 安装问题

我在笔记本电脑上安装 MiKTeX 时遇到问题。它显示如下错误:-

loading lightweight database...
initexmf "--common-install=G:\New folder (4)" --set-config-value=[Core]SharedSetup=1 --admin "--log-file=G:\New folder (4)\miktex/config\uninst.log" --verbose:
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger (initexmf).
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.

Sorry, but "MiKTeX Configuration Utility" did not succeed.

You may want to visit the MiKTeX project page, if you need help.

An error occurred:
  source file: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\Process\Process.cpp
  source line: 156
  message: The executed process did not succeed.
  info: fileName="G:\New folder (4)\miktex/bin/x64\initexmf.exe", exitCode="1"

