我的出版商希望章节标题居中。有时标题会跨两行,这意味着第一行的标题看起来很像文本。是否可以在左右两侧添加一些缩进?或者将 \textwidth 限制为 0.8\textwidth?
\chapter{A very long title with more than one line of text to be typeset in the center with indentation at the left and right}
\chapter{A very long title with more than one line of text to be typeset in the center with indentation at the left and right}
您可以使用 ragged2e 包来完成此操作:
\CenteringLeftskip=2cm plus 2em\relax
\CenteringRightskip=2cm plus 2em\relax
\chapter{A very long title with more than one line of text to be typeset in the center with indentation at the left and right}
\chapter[text for the toc]{%
A very long title with more than one line of text \\
to be typeset in the center with indentation at the left and right}