。有办法解决这个问题吗?MWE 如下:
\mode<handout>{ \usecolortheme{seahorse} \usecolortheme{rose} }
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Course Logistics (cont'd)}
\item [{\parbox[t]{1.8cm}{Late\\assignments}} ]
\item \small{Late assignments will be accepted for 48 hours past the due date, but...}
\item For each 24 hour past the due date, a 5\% penalty will be applied off the top.
\item Solutions will be posted after 48 hours at which point no further submissions are accepted
\note{ }
隐藏 parbox 的深度:
\mode<handout>{ \usecolortheme{seahorse} \usecolortheme{rose} }
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Course Logistics (cont'd)}
\item [\smash{\parbox[t]{1.8cm}{Late\\assignments}} ]
\item \small{Late assignments will be accepted for 48 hours past the due date, but...}
\item For each 24 hour past the due date, a 5\% penalty will be applied off the top.
\item Solutions will be posted after 48 hours at which point no further submissions are accepted
\note{ }