这是定制 biblatex 缩写列表:为不同的作者提供单独的列表. 有了 moewe 的
简写列表中只有标题和日期。然而,事实证明我需要两种类型的简写列表,一种只有标题和日期,另一种有作者、标题和日期。原因是我有两位主要作者的缩写,但也有许多其他作者的缩写;对于后者,让读者看到作者会很有帮助。因此,例如,我希望与从 moewe 的代码中获得的内容略有不同:
堪萨斯州 弗雷格,戈特洛布,小书,1967年
按照 David Purton 的回答进行编辑。
这个答案很有帮助,但并不完全有效。现在的问题是,所有相关作者的条目都会出现在简写列表中,即使是那些在 .bib 文件中没有简写的条目。以下是 MWE:
Title = {{K}leine {S}chriften},
Address = {Hildesheim},
Author = {Frege, Gottlob},
Publisher = {Georg Olms},
Year = {1967},
Shorthand = {\emph{KS}}
Title = {{O}n {D}enoting},
Author = {Russell, Bertrand},
Year = {1905},
Number = {56},
Pages = {479-493},
Volume = {14},
Journal = {Mind}
Title = {{A}ppearance and {R}eality: a {M}etaphysical {E}ssay},
Address = {London},
Author = {Bradley, Francis Herbert},
Publisher = {Swan Sonnenshein},
Year = {1893},
Shorthand = {\emph{AR}}
Title = {{Ü}ber die {G}rundlagen der {G}eometrie},
Author = {Korselt, Alwin},
Journaltitle = {Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung},
Year = {1903},
Pages = {402–7}
Title = {{A} {B}oolian {A}lgebra with {O}ne {C}onstant},
Author = {Peirce, Charles Sanders},
Booktitle = {Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce},
Year = {1880},
Editor = {Hartshorne, Charles and Weiss, Paul and Burks, Arthur},
Pages = {12-20},
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Volume = {4}
Title = {{T}he {N}ature of {J}udgment},
Author = {Moore, G. E.},
Year = {1899},
Number = {30},
Pages = {176-193},
Volume = {8},
Journal = {Mind},
Shorthand = {\emph{NJ}},
Title = {{P}rincipia {M}athematica},
Author = {Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand},
Year = {1910-1913},
Edition = {1},
Address = {Cambridge},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorthand = {\emph{PM}}
Title = {{T}hought},
Author = {Frege, Gottlob},
Year = {1918},
Pages = {351-372},
Crossref = {Frege1984}
test {\ifdefstring{\namepartfamily}{#2}}
test {\ifdefstring{\namepartgiven}{#3}}
\generateauthorcategory{moore}{Moore}{G.\bibnamedelimi E.}
( category=bymoore or category=byrussell )
not category=byfrege
and not category=bymoore
and not category=byrussell
Full details of these works are in the Bibliography.
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Works of Frege}, heading=subbibliography, category=byfrege]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Works of Moore and Russell}, heading=subbibliography, filter=moorerussell]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Other Primary Works}, heading=subbibliography, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]{title}
在 TeXStudio 中构建时结果是:
《思想》、《论指示》以及 Korselt 和 Peirce 的论文都在列表中,但没有简写。所以问题是如何将这些从列表中排除。
我刚刚尝试通过添加 \DeclareBiblistFilter 来实现 moeve 在评论 David Purton 的回答时提出的建议,但遗憾的是这没有效果。很可能我没有编写正确的过滤器。
从 moewe 对您上一个问题的回答中删除旧的简写驱动程序。
\renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{}% remove (date) after author.
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by Kant}, heading=subbibliography, category=bykant]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by Elk}, heading=subbibliography, category=byelk]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by other authors}, heading=subbibliography, notcategory=byelk, notcategory=bykant]{title}
完整 MWE:
Title = {On Denoting},
Author = {Russell, Bertrand},
Year = {1905},
Number = {56},
Pages = {479-493},
Volume = {14},
Journal = {Mind}
author = {Anne Elk},
title = {Theory of Brontosauruses},
shorthand = {Bronto},
date = {1972},
publisher = {Monthy and Co.},
location = {London},
author = {Anne Elk},
title = {Theory of Diplodocuses},
shorthand = {Diplo},
date = {1974},
publisher = {Monthy and Co.},
location = {London},
author = {Frege, Gottlob},
title = {Kleine Schriften},
date = {1967},
shorthand = {\emph{KS}},
location = {Hildesheim},
publisher = {Georg Olms},
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifdefstring{\namepartfamily}{#2}}
and test {\ifdefstring{\namepartgiven}{#3}}}
Introductory notes on shorthands. Full details can be found in the bibliography.
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by Kant}, heading=subbibliography, category=bykant]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by Elk}, heading=subbibliography, category=byelk]{author}
\printbiblist[env=shorthand,title={Shorthands by other authors}, heading=subbibliography, notcategory=byelk, notcategory=bykant]{title}