我是 LaTeX 新手,我想垂直对齐一些文本。
\section{\mysidestyle My\\Skills}
- How do I manage to get this line to align with the first word of the second line of text? It doesn't seem to align up? \\
- So that all of these lines sit flush\\
- And look presentable\\
注意 H 的 如何 和 s 的 似乎 垂直对齐,即缩进。我怎样才能做到这一点?
我已经有过逐项列举'd 列出了输出为 • 的列表。我想保留它们原样(即:•)。我想再有一个逐项列举此功能适用于破折号(即:-)。
附录二: 我希望第一行与“我的技能”中的“我的”位于同一行: 并不是:
) :itemize
%\renewcommand\labelitemi{--}% < Setting the bullet as an en-dash GLOBALLY
\section{\mysidestyle My\\Skills}
\vspace{0mm}% < Aligns the first line of the "section" with the first "item"
\renewcommand\labelitemi{--}% < Setting the bullet as an en-dash LOCALLY
\item How do I manage to get this line to align with the first word of the second line of text? It doesn't seem to align up?
\item So that all of these lines sit flush
\item And look presentable
\item How do I manage to get this line to align with the first word of the second line of text? It doesn't seem to align up?
\item So that all of these lines sit flush
\item And look presentable