

我是 LaTeX 新手。我需要在 TikZ 或 PSTricks 中绘制以下内容。但 TikZ 更可取。

enter image description here




% \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} for use with pdflatex --enablewrite18 (MiKTeX)
% or pdflatex --shell-escape (TeX Live, MacTeX)



\psset{unit=3, dotsize = 3pt, shortput = nab}
\pstGeonode[PosAngle = {-90,30,90,150}, PointName = {A, \rlap{$B_1\;(x_{b_1}{,}y_{b_1})$}, B, \llap{$(x_{b_2}{,}y_{b_2})\; B_2$}}, PointNameSep = 0.8em]
(0,0){A}(1; 65){B1}(1; 90){B}(1; 115){B2}
\uput{1.5em}[d](A){$ (x_ a ,y_a) $}
\uput{1.5em}[u](B){$ (x_ b ,y_b) $}
\psline[linestyle = dashed, linewidth = 0.5pt](B1)(A)(B2)
\ncline[arrows = |<->|, offset = 10pt]{A}{B2}^{$ R $}
\psarc[linewidth = 0.5pt](A){0.25}{65}{90}\uput{0.3}[75](A){$\theta$}


enter image description here


在等待tikzOP 先前尝试的更多细节后给出解决方案时,下面的尝试表明它也可以成为 MetaPost 的工作。代码包含在 LuaLaTeX 程序中。

更新阻止Ulrike Fischer 发现的 Metafun 漏洞在最新的 TeX 发行版中,出现了一个 bug,它会产生空箭头,而不是预期的填充箭头(另请参阅下面的评论),我加载了mparrows包并将其setarrows参数设置为default。这样可以防止问题出现。

\usepackage{luatex85, luamplib}
u = 1.25cm; R = 3u; t = 25; 
input mparrows; setarrows(default);
    pair A, B, B[];
    A = origin; B = R*dir 90; B1 = B rotated -t; B2 = B rotated t; 
    draw B1 .. B .. B2; 
    draw A -- B; for P = B1, B2: draw A--P dashed evenly; endfor;
    for P = A, B, B1, B2: drawdot P withpen pencircle scaled 3bp; endfor;
    draw anglebetween(A--B1, A--B, btex $\theta$ etex);
    label.bot(btex $\begin{array}{c} A\\ (x_a, y_a) \end{array}$ etex, A);
    label.top(btex $\begin{array}{c} (x_b, y_b)\\ B \end{array}$ etex, B);
    path radius; radius = (A -- B2) shifted (.18u * unitvector B2 rotated 90);
    drawdblarrow radius; label.lft(btex $R$ etex, point .5 of radius);
    freelabeloffset := 5bp;
    freelabel(btex $B_1(x_{b_1}, y_{b_1})$ etex, B1, A);
    freelabel(btex $(x_{b_2}, y_{b_2})B_2$ etex, B2, A);

enter image description here


含钛Z。更新(-0.5 \cos\theta,-0.5 \sin\theta):感谢 Sigur, 将双箭头移动了。

\draw[dashed] (0,0) -- (110:5);
\draw[dashed] (0,0) -- (70:5);
\draw (0,5) arc (90:110:5) node [left,yshift=1.5mm] {$(x_{b2},y_{b2})~B_2$};
\draw (0,5) arc (90:70:5) node [right] {$B_1~(x_{b1},y_{b1})$};
\draw[-] node [below] {$\begin{array}{c}A\\ (x_a,y_a)\end{array}$} (0,0) -- (0,5) node [above] {$\begin{array}{c} (x_b,y_b)\\ B\end{array}$};
\draw (0,0) -- (0,1.5) arc (90:70:1.5) node[above,midway] {$\theta$};
\draw[latex-latex,transform canvas={xshift=-0.2165cm,yshift=-0.125em},thick] (0,0) -- (110:5)
node[left,midway] {$R$};

enter image description here


简化 Bernard 的代码,很有趣!


\psset{shortput = nab}

\pstGeonode[PosAngle={-90,30,90,150},PointName={A, \rlap{$B_1\;(x_{b_1}{,}y_{b_1})$}, B, \llap{$(x_{b_2}{,}y_{b_2})\; B_2$}}, PointNameSep=12pt]
(0,0){A}(3; 65){B1}(3; 90){B}(3; 115){B2}
\uput{1.5em}[d](A){$ (x_ a ,y_a) $}
\uput{1.5em}[u](B){$ (x_ b ,y_b) $}
\psline[linestyle = dashed, linewidth = 0.5pt](B1)(A)(B2)
\ncline[arrows = |<->|, offset = 10pt]{A}{B2}^{$ R $}

enter image description here
