\cite 预览显示 RN1-X,而不是作者和日期

\cite 预览显示 RN1-X,而不是作者和日期

我有一个使用 Citavi 生成的参考书目文件。使用\cite\citep命令时,我的预览只有诸如\cite{RN1}\cite{RN2}等选项。但是,这些分母都没有出现在实际参考书目文件中,因此natbib必须生成它们。它确实向我显示了正确的内容,就像\cite{Dunn.2002}使用在不同时间点生成的另一个 Citavi bibtex 参考书目一样。我使用的是 angew 引用样式。是什么导致了显示不正确?


 \usepackage[load=abbr , alsoload=synchem]{siunitx}
 \usepackage[font=small , format =plain , labelfont =bf , up]{caption}
 \usepackage[absolute , showboxes]{textpos}
 \usepackage[usenames ,dvipsnames ,svgnames ,table]{xcolor}




另外:这是.bib 文件的摘录:

  author = {Arstad, Bj{\o}rnar and Lind, Anna and Cavka, Jasmina H. and           Thorshaug, Knut and Akporiaye, Duncan and Wragg, David and Fjellv{\aa}g, Helmer   and Gr{\o}nvold, Arne and Fuglerud, Terje},
  year = {2016},
  title = {Structural changes in SAPO-34 due to hydrothermal treatment. A    NMR, XRD, and DRIFTS study},
  pages = {421--431},
  volume = {225},
  issn = {13871811},
  journal = {Microporous and Mesoporous Materials},
  doi = {10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.01.024}

  author = {Li, Wenze and He, Yingluo and Li, Hangjie and Shen, Dongming and    Xing, Chuang and Yang, Ruiqin},
  year = {2017},
  title = {Spatial confinement effects of zeolite-based micro-capsule      catalyst on tuned Fischer-Tropsch synthesis product distribution},
  pages = {98--101},
 volume = {98},
  issn = {15667367},
  journal = {Catalysis Communications},
  doi = {10.1016/j.catcom.2017.05.008}


好吧,我发现了问题:我实际上没有参考书目样式文件(您必须单独下载它并将其放在原始 Latex 文档所在的文件夹中)。一旦您知道了这一点,这似乎很明显!
