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\processtable{A Comparative Description of Different Algorithms\label{table3}}
Authors & Feature extraction & Feature reduction & Fusion level & Database and number of image considered & Evaluation results (best EER) \\
Y. Wang et al. \cite{16} 2003 2 & {\makecell{Face: PCA and FDA \\ Iris: 2D Gabor}} & $/$ & Score level fusion & NLPR$^{LAD}$ for iris good quality. ORL, MIT and Yale for face. 90 subjects with 5 face and 5 iris images for each subject & EER = 0 \% \\
A Comparative Description of Different Algorithms\label{table3}}
Authors & Feature extraction & Feature reduction & Fusion level & Database and number of image considered & Evaluation results (best EER) \\
Y. Wang et al. \cite{16} 2003 2 & Face: PCA and FDA \newline Iris: 2D Gabor & $/$ & Score level fusion & NLPR\textsuperscript{LAD} for iris good quality. ORL, MIT and Yale for face. 90 subjects with 5 face and 5 iris images for each subject & EER = 0 \% \\