



1 This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number. The new
  paragraph contains a link and should look like this:
  Source: http://www.example.com/this-is-a-very-long-link-whichs-words-are-separated-by-





%\usepackage{hyperref} % If you're using hyperref


First\footnote{This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number. 
  This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number.}
Second\footnote{This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number. The new
  paragraph contains a link and should look like this:

  Source: \url{http://www.example.com/this-is-a-very-long-link-which-words-are-separated-by-hyphens-note-that-the-second-paragraph-contains-the-link-and-should-be-left-justified-like-this}}
Third\footnote{This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number. 
  This is justified text.  Note that there  is an indent  at the beginning  of the footnote
  which prevents  the  second  line  from  continuing  below  the  footnote number.}


使用url允许正确对齐和格式化 URL。这适用于hyperref还。
