使用 TTF 书法字体时章节错位问题

使用 TTF 书法字体时章节错位问题

我正在尝试根据报告文档类排版一份精美的传单。文档中的章节名称使用 Scriptina 字体 (TTF) 排版 (字体链接),其余部分采用 Comfortaa 字体(字体链接)。

问题是字母 l、b 和 d 很高,而字母 g 则在 Scriptina 字体中显得很低(我不知道这种字体的技术名称)。这会导致章节名称的位置不同,具体取决于其中是否有 l、b 或 d 字母。下图显示了效果。





MWE 如下所示。

\usepackage[left=2cm,right=2cm, top=1cm]{geometry}

%Chapter format
  {\pageframe  }
  \fontsize{35}{\baselineskip}\selectfont \thechapter{} }

%Page numbering font

%Counters for numbering

%Table of contents on the titlepage

%author, date and title.

%Offsets of the frame, number of the ornaments and color

%Command for inserting the frames

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0pt]
      %Necessary coordinates
      \coordinate (UR) at ($(current page.north east) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
      \coordinate (UL) at ($(current page.north west) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
      \coordinate (LR) at ($(current page.south east) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
      \coordinate (LL) at ($(current page.south west) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
      \coordinate (CL) at ($(current page.west) + (\xoffset,0)$);
      \coordinate (CR) at ($(current page.east) + (-\xoffset,0)$);

      %Ornaments located at the corners of the page
      \node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){%
        \pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor ]{\ornament}};%
      \node[anchor=north east] (URCorner) at (UR){%
        \pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=v ]{\ornament}};%
      \node[anchor=south east] (LRCorner) at (LR){%
        \pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=c ]{\ornament}};%
      \node[anchor=south west] (LLCorner) at (LL){%
        \pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=h ]{\ornament}};%

      %Ornaments between the corners: Calculates the distance between the 2 upper corners and uses it for the width of the bar ornament.
      \path (CL) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
       in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=-3pt] (CLBar) at (CL){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
      \path (CR) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
       in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (CRBar) at (CR){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
      \draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round]($(CLBar.east) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(ULCorner.south west) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
      \draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round]($(CRBar.east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$) to ($(URCorner.south east) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
      \draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round]($(CLBar.west) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(LLCorner.north west) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
      \draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round]($(CRBar.west) + (0.8pt,1)$) to ($(LRCorner.north east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};

      %Ornaments between he corners: Top and bottom.
       \path (ULCorner.north east) to [ornament=88] (URCorner.north west) {};
       \path (LRCorner.south west) to [ornament=88] (LLCorner.south east) {};





 {\fontsize{60}{\baselineskip}\selectfont Lorem \\[\baselineskip] 





\chapter{A b c d t l}
\chapter{E m r g}

