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 \title{  \textbf{ Mining Time-constrained Sequential
Patterns with Constraint Programming} }
\author{ \textbf {John O.R. Aoga \and  Tias Guns \and Pierre




 \textbf {Abstract} Programming (CP) has proven to be an effective platform for
constraint based sequence mining. Previous work has focussed on standard frequent
sequence mining, as well as frequent sequence mining with a maximum ’gap’ between
two matching events in a sequence. The main challenge in the latter is that this cons-
traint can not be imposed independently of the omnipresent frequency constraint.
Indeed, the gap constraint changes whether a subsequence is included in a sequence,
and hence its frequency. In this work, we go beyond that and investigate the in-
tegration of timed events and constraining the minimum/maximum gap as well as
minimum/maximum span. The latter constrains the allowed time between the first
and last matching event of a pattern. We show how the three are interrelated, and
what the required changes to the frequency constraint are. Key in our approach is
the concept of an extension window defined by gap/span and we develop techniques
to avoid scanning the sequences needlessly, as well as using a backtracking-aware
data structure. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms
both specialized and CP-based approaches in almost all cases and that the advantage
increases as the minimum frequency threshold decreases. \\
\\ \textbf {Keywords} Data mining · Sequential pattern mining · Constraint programming ·
Global constraint · Gap constraint · Span constraint · Time constraint
\institute{J.B. Doe
\at Doe Institute, 281 Prime Street, Daisy Town, NA 02467,
USA\\Tel.: +127-47-678901, Fax: +127-47-678907
J.B. Doe \and S.Q. Public
\at Public-Enterprises
J.A. Smith
\at Smith University,\\\email{[email protected]}

\section*{1 Introduction}







\institute{J.O.R Aoga
\at Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathma-
tics (ICTEAM), UCLouvain, Belgium
Ecole Doctorale Science de l’Ingénieur (ED-SDI), Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Bénin\\Orcid Id: 0000-0002-7213-146X 
T. Guns
\at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 
P. Schaus
\at Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathma-
tics (ICTEAM), UCLouvain, Belgium
\\\email{[email protected]}

