文件的 LaTeX 模板,它为我提供了这种类型的标题样式:
没有这些包一样用字母枚举图形?我正在使用此处提供的 IOP latex 模板:Iop 模板。
下面的方法,至少可以得到一些接近的行为,尽管确实需要更多的手动工作。我希望这可以与您的模板一起使用(我在回答 TeX.SX 上的问题时不会访问第三方网站,因此没有使用您的模板进行测试)!
\usepackage{etoolbox} % to hook into `figure` and reset the mysubfig counter
% reset the counter (it is unlikely that another figure environment has
% additional subfigures of the previous one
\newcounter{mysubfig}[figure]% also reset after the figure-counter has increased
You could place the figures into \texttt{minipage}s with individual
\caption{left picture}
\caption{right picture}
Or you put some letters semi-manually beneath them. If the caption is below the
figures use the unstarred version:
\caption{In \ref{fig:2l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:2r} we see a B}
Else use the starred version:
\caption{In \ref{fig:3l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:3r} we see a B}
Just to see if it works if you use the unstarred after the starred version.
\caption{In \ref{fig:4l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:4r} we see a B}
s 标签中图形计数器的格式\mysubfig
必须进行调整以匹配 的格式\thefigure
\usepackage{etoolbox} % to hook into `figure` and reset the mysubfig counter
% reset the counter (it is unlikely that another figure environment has
% additional subfigures of the previous one)
\newcounter{mysubfig}[figure]% also reset after the figure-counter has increased
\advance\c@figure by 1
You could place the figures into \texttt{minipage}s with individual
\caption{left picture}
\caption{right picture}
Or you put some letters semi-manually beneath them. If the caption is below the
figures use the unstarred version:
\caption{In \ref{fig:2l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:2r} we see a B}
Else use the starred version:
\caption{In \ref{fig:3l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:3r} we see a B}
Just to see if it works if you use the unstarred after the starred version.
\caption{In \ref{fig:4l} we see an A; in \ref{fig:4r} we see a B}