我在 biblatex 中使用 authoryear 样式,并希望在条目前创建一个数字,就像在数字样式中一样。我设法获取了数字,但也希望在它们周围加上方括号,并去掉数字后的点。
Title = {{Borrowed Time: Sovereign Finance, Regime Type, and Leader Survival}},
Author = {DiGiuseppe, Matthew and Shea, Patrick E.},
Journal = {Economics and Politics},
Year = {2016},
Number = {3},
Pages = {342--367},
Volume = {28},
Doi = {10.1111/ecpo.12081},
ISBN = {1468-0343},
ISSN = {14680343}
Title = {{Political Power and the Credibility of Government Debt}},
Author = {Dixit, Avinash and Londregan, John},
Journal = {Journal of Economic Theory},
Year = {2000},
Number = {1},
Pages = {80--105},
Volume = {94},
Doi = {10.1006/jeth.2000.2684},
ISSN = {00220531}
Text \cite{Dixit2000} More Text \cite{DiGiuseppe2016}
我不知道这在 2016 年 1 月是否可用,但现在你可以拥有一个单独的bibstyle