侧边和正文之间的垂直线 friggeri cv

侧边和正文之间的垂直线 friggeri cv

对于 Friggeri cv,有人尝试过在侧边栏和正文之间画一条垂直线吗?





cls 文件,原样:

\ProvidesClass{friggeri-cv}[2012/04/30 CV class]

% Colors %



% \definecolor{gray}{HTML}{4D4D4D}




% Fonts %


\newfontfamily\headingfont[]{Roboto Bold}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Color=textcolor]{Roboto}

% Header %



  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node [rectangle, fill=fillheader, anchor=north, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=3cm] (box) at (current page.north){};
    % \node [anchor=center] (name) at (box) {%
    \node [anchor=north] (name) at (box) {%
    %   \fontsize{40pt}{72pt}\color{header}%
    %   \fontsize{30pt}{62pt}\color{header}%
      {\thinfont #1}\quad{\bodyfont  #2}
    \node [anchor=north] (title) at (name.south) {%
      \thinfont #3%
    % Create a new node named title2 which sits at the south of title.
    \node [anchor=north] (title2) at (title.south) {%
      \thinfont #4

% Structure %

    } #1%


  {\Large\headingfont\color{headercolor} #1}

  {\Large\headingfont\color{headercolor} #2}


% List environment %

  %#1&\parbox[t]{10.35cm}{% adjust to 10.3cm instead of the default 11.8 to align boxes and text elsewhere (e.g. publications list) 9.8??
  #1&\parbox[t]{9.5cm}{% adjust to 10.3cm instead of the default 11.8 to align boxes and text elsewhere (e.g. publications list) 9.8??
    % {\footnotesize\addfontfeature{Color=lightgray} #3}\\%

% Side block %

\setlength{\TPVertModule}{0.675cm} % determine spacing between header and sidebar
    \par\vspace{\baselineskip}{\Large\headingfont\color{headercolor} ##1}
  % set width then x-y coord of the textblock; default was 4.33
  % \begin{textblock}{3.9}(1.2, 4.53)
  % \begin{textblock}{4.2}(1.98, 5.42)
  \begin{textblock}{4.2}(1.98, 5.42)



% Bibliography %

\RequirePackage[style=nature, maxnames=99, sorting=ydnt, backend = biber]{biblatex}

%% from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21401/biblatex-reverse-numbering-i-e-count-down
% Count total number of entries in each refsection

% Print the labelnumber as the total number of entries in the
% current refsection, minus the actual labelnumber, plus one


% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/112874/sectioning-bibliography-by-type-with-multiple-types-per-section
    type=article or

    \printbibliography[type={#1}, title={#2}, heading = bibheading]

% Other tweaks %

    urlcolor =textcolor}

% A fix for \href{}{} colors not working with fontspec



   {\setlength\paperheight {297mm}%
    \setlength\paperwidth  {210mm}%


以及 MWE:

% compile with:
% xelatex cv
% biber cv
% xelatex cv
% xelatex cv


\header{Foo}{Bar}{Superhero}{Saving Gotham City}

% In the aside, each new line forces a line break
    Wayne Manor
    Batman's cave
    Can be provided upon request.

\par\vspace{0.7\parskip} % this is to align the "Summary" line to the main sidebar

\section{employment history}
    {Beginning of time--}
     Gotham city
    {Bruce Wayne}
    {Trying to be normal}


    {Year XXX--Year YYY}
    {BA in ninja stuff}
    Taught by Ras Al Gul
    {Year CCC--Year DDD}
    {BA in batman stuff}
    {Learning to be batman}

\section{other experience}
      {Month 1111--}
      {Bane's Dungeon}
      {Cracking my back}
      {Month 2222--}
      {Somewhere over the rainbow}
      {Doing stuff}


MWE 的样子: 在此处输入图片描述





\header{Foo}{Bar}{Superhero}{Saving Gotham City}

% In the aside, each new line forces a line break
    Wayne Manor
    Batman's cave
    Can be provided upon request.\tikzmark{b} 

\par\vspace{0.7\parskip} % this is to align the "Summary" line to the main sidebar

\section{employment history}
    {Beginning of time--}
     Gotham city
    {Bruce Wayne}
    {Trying to be normal}


    {Year XXX--Year YYY}
    {BA in ninja stuff}
    Taught by Ras Al Gul
    {Year CCC--Year DDD}
    {BA in batman stuff}
    {Learning to be batman}

\section{other experience}
      {Month 1111--}
      {Bane's Dungeon}
      {Cracking my back}
      {Month 2222--}
      {Somewhere over the rainbow}
      {Doing stuff}

\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{ \draw[red,line width=2pt] ([xshift=2pt,yshift=2ex]pic cs:a) -- ([xshift=2pt]pic cs:b); }

