

我从未使用过 LaTeX 进行过类似操作,也不知道从哪里开始。有人能帮我演示一下如何绘制下图吗?



迄今为止最好的 LaTeX 图形包是 pstricks。 https://ctan.org/pkg/pstricks?lang=en 下面是该曲线,加上轴、一些点和一些文本。



\psset{unit=12mm, xunit=12mm, yunit=12mm}
\pspicture*(-2,-2)(2,2)     % Star form clips anything beyond boundaries
% In following, parameter  t  goes from  -1.6  to  1.6 .
% Must use t for parameter.
% Functions are            x = t^2 - 1     y = t^3 - t .
\parametricplot{-1.6}{1.6}{t 2 exp 1 sub   t 3 exp t sub}
% Following plots  sin(50 x)  (sin expects degrees).
% Must use x for argument.  x goes from  -2  to  2 .
\psplot[plotpoints=200]{-2}{2}{x 500 mul sin}
\rput[b](-1,1.2){function plots}





  \draw[thin] (-5,0)--(5,0);% x axis
  \draw[thin] (0,-5)--(0,5);%y axis
    \draw[fill=blue,opacity=0.3] (2,5) circle (3pt);% circle by center and radius
  \node[anchor=west,yshift=10pt] at (2,5){test text};% text rigth of a given point
  \draw[fill=gray!30,black] (-2,4) circle (7pt) coordinate (A);%coordinate saves a point position in a name inside ()
  \node[text width=4cm,anchor=west,xshift=10pt] at (A) {test text here that will break where needed};%Then we can use saved point as it was coordinates
  \draw[ultra thick] (4,5) to[out=230,in=0](0,-1) to[out=180,in=270] (-1,0) to[out=90,in=180] (0,1) to[out=0,in=140](4,-5);% From a point goes to another using these rules:
  % (imagine an analog clock: 3 o'clock=0 degrees 9 o'clock-180 degrees 12 =90 degrees )
  %Then: "in" is the angle in which the line uses to get in the final point.
  %"out" is the angle which the line uses to get out of the starting point.
  %The above angles in respect to our more above watch angles.

编译...玩直到你接近你想要的...我或其他人会在 MWE 之后提供更多帮助:(这会经过你的修改,尽可能接近你的)...最后一个命令只是一种曲线的方式...你需要一个绘图命令......

(仅添加以提供 tikz 的起点)
