我的出版商要求我更改 TOC/LOT/LOF 和章节的格式。遗憾的是,我对 LaTeX 和英语的掌握还不够深,无法从 titlesec 文档中看出端倪。
- 章节标题大写,11.2pt,居中
- 章节标题采用大写,10.2pt,居中
- 子章节标题采用 10.2pt 常规大小写,居中
- 小节标题为普通大小写,10.2pt,斜体
- 每个名称(目录,...)大写,11.2pt
- 章节标题采用大写,11.2pt
- 章节标题采用大写,10.2pt
- 常规大小写的小节标题 10.2pt
- 小节标题为普通大小写,10.2pt,斜体
而 MWE 则反映了我所尝试过的一切——我对 LaTeX 的理解已经达到了极限,并且无法理解为什么我所做的改变似乎毫无效果。
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts,amssymb}
%Set depth in TOC
%Format of text font size and line spacing
%TODO This is meant to be 11.2 in Uppercase
%TODO This is meant to be 10.2 in Uppercase
%TOOO: This is meant to be 10.2 normal font
%TOOO: This is meant to be 10.2 normal font to be cursive 10.2
%TODO: This is meant to be 10.2 normal font to be cursive 10.2
\renewcommand{\cftloftitlefont} {\MakeUppercase{\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \selectfont}}
\renewcommand{\cftlottitlefont} {\MakeUppercase{\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \selectfont}}
%Filling lines w/ dots.
%%%%\vspace*{50\p@}% %%% removed!
{\vskip 71.4\p@ %3x(11.9+11.9)
\parindent \z@ \raggedright \fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \selectfont
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \centering \selectfont \MakeUppercase{\@chapapp\space \thechapter}:
%\vskip 11.9\p@
\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \MakeUppercase{#1}\par\nobreak
\vskip 23.8\p@
%%%%%\vspace*{50\p@}% %%% removed!
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \selectfont
\fontsize{11.9}{11.9} \selectfont #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 23.8\p@
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
{44.2pt}% 2x(10.2+11.9)
{\centering \fontsize{10.2}{11.9} \selectfont}}% from \Large
{44.2pt}% 2x(10.2+11.9)
{\centering\fontsize{10.2}{11.9} \selectfont}}% from \Large
{44.2pt}% 2x(10.2+11.9)
{\centering \fontsize{10.2}{11.9} \selectfont}}% from \Large
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
%The following is just filling the document for the TOC/LOT/LOF
\chapter{Chapter One Title}
\caption[Figure 1 in chapter 1]{This is figure 1.2}
\section{Section One}
\subsection{Subsection One}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection One}
\caption[Table 1 in Chapter 1]{This is table 1.1}
\begin{tabular}{ l c r }
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9 \\
\caption[Figure 2 in chapter 1]{This is figure 1.2}
\chapter{Chapter Two Title}
\chapter{Chapter Three Title}
由于您要求的尺寸恰好是 11.2 和 10.2,因此我为这两个尺寸创建了两个命令,但由于主字体大小不是这两个命令中的任何一个,因此我不太清楚它们与 12pt 文档类选项有何关系。
\titleformat{\chapter}[block]{\elevenpt\filcenter}{\MakeUppercase\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\MakeUppercase{#1}}
\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\chapter{A chapter level heading}
\section{A section level heading}
\subsection{A subsection level heading}
\subsubsection{A subsubsection level heading}
\caption{A figure}
以下是使用和 的可能解决方案titletoc
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts,amssymb}
%Set depth in TOC
%Format of text font size and line spacing
\titleformat{name = \chapter, numberless}{\fontsize{11.9}{11.9}\selectfont\filcenter\MakeUppercase}{}{0pt}{#1}
\titleformat{name = \section, numberless}{\fontsize{10.2}{11.9}\selectfont\filcenter\MakeUppercase}{}{0pt}{#1}
\titleformat{name = \subsection, numberless}{\fontsize{10.2}{11.9}\selectfont\filcenter}{}{0pt}{#1}
\titleformat{name = \subsubsection, numberless}{\fontsize{10.2}{11.9}\selectfont\itshape\filright}{}{0pt}{#1}
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
% TODO: The headline should be in the same format as chapter font (11.2, uppercase)
\chapter*{An Unnumbered Chapter}%
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{An Unnumbered Chapter}
%The following is just filling the document for the TOC/LOT/LOF
\chapter{Chapter One Title}
\caption[Figure 1 in chapter 1]{This is figure 1.2}
\section{Section One}
\subsection{Subsection One}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection One}
\caption[Table 1 in Chapter 1]{This is table 1.1}
\begin{tabular}{ l c r }
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9 \\
\caption[Figure 2 in chapter 1]{This is figure 1.2}
\chapter{Chapter Two Title}
\chapter{Chapter Three Title}