嗨,我对 LaTeX 还很陌生,但以前也用过代码,这让我很为难。我试图做一个跨多页的大表格,有三列文本,中间一列有很多文本,我用命令把它分开\thead
Cited Name & Current Position & \thead{Former Role \\ (if applicable)} \\
Consultant 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Consultant 2 & \thead{CTO \\ Some Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
\caption{this is the caption and it says lots of boring stuff about these types of individuals and so on.}
- 内容不对齐
- 列格式不起作用,只显示 ls 和 Xs
- 标题不存在
- 我收到很多错误放置的对齐制表符(
)错误 - 是因为\thead
命令不起作用吗? - 该
%\begin{document} this has to be after the \usepackage lines
% \begin{center} don't put longtable in center
% \resizebox{\textwidth} this just took \begin as argument and would never do anything useful to a table
%{l>{\RaggedRight}X>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X} longtable does not have X columns
Cited Name & Current Position & \thead{Former Role \\ (if applicable)} \\
Consultant 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Consultant 2 & \thead{CTO \\ Some Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
% \end{longtable} \caption should be inside the table (usually at the start not the end)
\caption{this is the caption and it says lots of boring stuff about these types of individuals and so on.}
%\end{center} dont put longtable in center
列 X
环境,并且您必须设置表格的总宽度。该la tablex
列宽度将是最大限度X 列的宽度。
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l >{\RaggedRight}X >{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}
\caption{this is the caption and it says lots of boring stuff about these types of individuals and so on.}
Cited Name & Current Position & \thead{Former Role \\ (if applicable)} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\tablename~\thetable \enspace (continued)} \\
Cited Name & Current Position & \thead{Former Role \\ (if applicable)} \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{To be continued}
Consultant 1 & \thead[lc]{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Consultant 2 & \thead{CTO \\ Some Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A \\
Consultant 3 & \thead{CTO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Entrepreneur 2 & \thead{CFO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Entrepreneur 3 1 & \thead{Director \\ Some Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 4 & \thead{CFO \\ Short Company} & N/A \\
Entrepreneur 5 & \thead{CEO \\Some Long Type Company} & Some old role. \\
Investor 1 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Long Type Company} & Some older role. \\
Investor 2 & \thead{CEO \\ Some Really Long Type Company} & N/A