使用 .bib 文件和 .bbl 文件按字母顺序排列的参考书目

使用 .bib 文件和 .bbl 文件按字母顺序排列的参考书目

我在 latex 中使用 .bst 文件来记录参考书目。我在 .bib 文件中对参考文献进行排序,并按字母顺序排列,如下所示:

    author = {Abdi, H. and Labrie, D. and Nguyen, T.S. and Barnichon, J.D. and Su, G. and Evgin, E. and Simon, R. and Fall, M.},
    title = {Laboratory investigation on the mechanical behaviour of Tournemire argillite},
    journal = {Canadian Geotechnical Journal},
    volume = {52},
    number = {},
    pages = {268-282},
    year = {2015}

    author = {D'addetta, G.~A. and Kun, F. and Ramm E.},
    title = {On the application of a discrete model to the fracture process of cohesive granular materials},
    journal = {Granular matter},
    volume = {4},
    number = {2},
    pages = {77-90},
    year = {2002}

    author = {Anders, M.~H. and Laubach, S.~E. and Scholz, C.~H.},
    title = {Microfractures: A review},
    journal = {Journal of Structural Geology},
    volume = {693},
    number = {1-3},
    pages = {477-394},
    year = {2014},

    author = {Asadi, M.~S. and Rasouli, V. and Barla, G.},
    title = {A Bonded Particle Model Simulation of Shear Strength and Asperity Degradation for Rough Rock Fractures},
    journal = {Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering},
    volume = {45},
    number = {1-4},
    pages = {649-675},
    year = {2012},

    author = {Noorian~Bidgoli, M. and Zhao, Z. and Jing, L.},
    title = {Numerical evaluation of strength and deformability of fractured rocks},
    journal = {Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering},
    volume = {5},
    number = {5},
    pages = {419-430},
    year = {2013}

    author = {Noorian~Bidgoli, M. and Jing, L.},
    title = {Anisotropy of strength and deformability of fractured rocks},
    journal = {Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering},
    volume = {6},
    number = {5},
    pages = {156-164},
    year = {2014},

    author = {Blake, O.~O. and Faulkner, D.~R.},
    title = {The effect of fracture density and stress state on the static and dynamic bulk moduli of Westerly granite},
    journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth},
    volume = {121},
    number = {},
    pages = {2382–2399},
    year = {2016},

    author = {Chan, S.~K. and Tuba, I.~S. and Wilson, W.~K.},
    title = {On the finite element method in linear fracture mechanics},
    journal = {Engineering fracture mechanics},
    volume = {2},
    number = {1},
    pages = {1-17},
    year = {1970}


\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}\fi
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%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Asadi et~al.(2012)Asadi, Rasouli, and Barla}]{Asadi2012}
\bibinfo{author}{M.~S. Asadi}, \bibinfo{author}{V.~Rasouli},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{A bonded particle model simulation of shear strength
  and asperity degradation for rough rock fractures},
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering}
  \bibinfo{volume}{45} (\bibinfo{year}{2012}) \bibinfo{pages}{649--675}.
%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Fu and Evans(1985)}]{Fu1985}
\bibinfo{author}{Y.~Fu}, \bibinfo{author}{G.~Evans},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{Some effects of microcracks on the mechanical
  properties of brittle solids-i. stress, strain relations},
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{Acta Metallurgica} \bibinfo{volume}{33}
  (\bibinfo{year}{1985}) \bibinfo{pages}{1515--1523}.
%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Anders et~al.(2014)Anders, Laubach, and Scholz}]{Anders2014}
\bibinfo{author}{M.~H. Anders}, \bibinfo{author}{S.~E. Laubach},
  \bibinfo{author}{C.~H. Scholz},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{Microfractures: A review},
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{Journal of Structural Geology}
  \bibinfo{volume}{693} (\bibinfo{year}{2014}) \bibinfo{pages}{477--394}.
%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Noorian~Bidgoli and Jing(2014)}]{Bidgoli2014}
\bibinfo{author}{M.~Noorian~Bidgoli}, \bibinfo{author}{L.~Jing},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{Anisotropy of strength and deformability of fractured
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical
  engineering} \bibinfo{volume}{6} (\bibinfo{year}{2014})
%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Simmons and Richter(1976)}]{Simmons1976}
\bibinfo{author}{G.~Simmons}, \bibinfo{author}{D.~Richter},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{Microcracks in rock},
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{The Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Rocks}
  (\bibinfo{year}{1976}) \bibinfo{pages}{105--137}.
%Type = Article
\bibitem[{Noorian~Bidgoli et~al.(2013)Noorian~Bidgoli, Zhao, and
\bibinfo{author}{M.~Noorian~Bidgoli}, \bibinfo{author}{Z.~Zhao},
\newblock \bibinfo{title}{Numerical evaluation of strength and deformability of
  fractured rocks},
\newblock \bibinfo{journal}{Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical
  engineering} \bibinfo{volume}{5} (\bibinfo{year}{2013})


