TiKZ 在绘制高比例因子的递归几何图形时放弃,最终以半心半意的曲线结束

TiKZ 在绘制高比例因子的递归几何图形时放弃,最终以半心半意的曲线结束




        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{0}$] (A_0) at (0,1);
        \coordinate [label=below: $B_{0}$] (B_0) at (0,0);
        \coordinate [label=right: $C_{0}$] (C_0) at (2,0);
        \draw (A_0) -- (B_0) -- (C_0) -- (A_0);

        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{1}$]
        (A_1) at ($(A_0)!(B_0)!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=below: $C_{1}$]
        (C_1) at ($(B_0)!0.5!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $H_{0}$]
        (H_0) at ($(A_0)!(C_1)!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=left: $B_{1}$]
        (B_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_1)!(B_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{2}$]
        (A_2) at ($(A_1)!(B_1)!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=below: $C_{2}$]
        (C_2) at ($(B_1)!0.5!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $H_{1}$]
        (H_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_2)!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=left: $B_{2}$]
        (B_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_2)!(B_1)$);

        \coordinate (A_3) at ($(A_2)!(B_2)!(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (C_3) at ($(B_2)! 0.5 !(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (H_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_3)!(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (B_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_3)!(B_2)$);
        \coordinate (A_4) at ($(A_3)!(B_3)!(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (C_4) at ($(B_3)! 0.5 !(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (H_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_4)!(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (B_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_4)!(B_3)$);
        \coordinate (A_5) at ($(A_4)!(B_4)!(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (C_5) at ($(B_4)! 0.5 !(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (H_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_5)!(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (B_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_5)!(B_4)$);
        \coordinate (A_6) at ($(A_5)!(B_5)!(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (C_6) at ($(B_5)! 0.5 !(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (H_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_6)!(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (B_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_6)!(B_5)$);
        \coordinate (A_7) at ($(A_6)!(B_6)!(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (C_7) at ($(B_6)! 0.5 !(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (H_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_7)!(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (B_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_7)!(B_6)$);
        \coordinate (A_8) at ($(A_7)!(B_7)!(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (C_8) at ($(B_7)! 0.5 !(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (H_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_8)!(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (B_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_8)!(B_7)$);
        \coordinate (A_9) at ($(A_8)!(B_8)!(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (C_9) at ($(B_8)! 0.5 !(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (H_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_9)!(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (B_9) at ($(A_9)!(C_9)!(B_8)$);

        \draw (A_1) -- (B_0);
        \draw (C_1) -- (H_0);
        \draw (B_1) -- (C_1);
        \draw (A_1) -- (C_1);
        \draw (A_2) -- (B_1);
        \draw (C_2) -- (H_1);
        \draw (B_2) -- (C_2);
        \draw (A_2) -- (C_2);
        \draw (A_3) -- (B_2);
        \draw (C_3) -- (H_2);
        \draw (B_3) -- (C_3);
        \draw (A_3) -- (C_3);
        \draw (A_4) -- (B_3);
        \draw (C_4) -- (H_3);
        \draw (B_4) -- (C_4);
        \draw (A_4) -- (C_4);
        \draw (A_5) -- (B_4);
        \draw (C_5) -- (H_4);
        \draw (B_5) -- (C_5);
        \draw (A_5) -- (C_5);
        \draw (A_6) -- (B_5);
        \draw (C_6) -- (H_5);
        \draw (B_6) -- (C_6);
        \draw (A_6) -- (C_6);
        \draw (A_7) -- (B_6);
        \draw (C_7) -- (H_6);
        \draw (B_7) -- (C_7);
        \draw (A_7) -- (C_7);
        \draw (A_8) -- (B_7);
        \draw (C_8) -- (H_7);
        \draw (B_8) -- (C_8);
        \draw (A_8) -- (C_8);
        \draw (A_9) -- (B_8);
        \draw (C_9) -- (H_8);
        \draw (B_9) -- (C_9);
        \draw (A_9) -- (C_9);



% The coordinate math engine in tikz has an error that makes it inaccurate at
% calculating extremely fine coordinates. This redefinition fixes the problem:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/256333/256377
% use the Mark Wibrow's correction
  \pgfmathcos@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
  \pgfmathsin@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%

    \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=90, scale=30]
        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{0}$] (A_0) at (0,1);
        \coordinate [label=below: $B_{0}$] (B_0) at (0,0);
        \coordinate [label=right: $C_{0}$] (C_0) at (2,0);
        \draw (A_0) -- (B_0) -- (C_0) -- (A_0);
        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{1}$]
        (A_1) at ($(A_0)!(B_0)!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=below: $C_{1}$]
        (C_1) at ($(B_0)!0.5!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $H_{0}$]
        (H_0) at ($(A_0)!(C_1)!(C_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=left: $B_{1}$]
        (B_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_1)!(B_0)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $A_{2}$]
        (A_2) at ($(A_1)!(B_1)!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=below: $C_{2}$]
        (C_2) at ($(B_1)!0.5!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=above: $H_{1}$]
        (H_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_2)!(C_1)$);
        \coordinate [label=left: $B_{2}$]
        (B_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_2)!(B_1)$);
        \coordinate (A_3) at ($(A_2)!(B_2)!(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (C_3) at ($(B_2)! 0.5 !(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (H_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_3)!(C_2)$);
        \coordinate (B_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_3)!(B_2)$);
        \coordinate (A_4) at ($(A_3)!(B_3)!(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (C_4) at ($(B_3)! 0.5 !(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (H_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_4)!(C_3)$);
        \coordinate (B_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_4)!(B_3)$);
        \coordinate (A_5) at ($(A_4)!(B_4)!(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (C_5) at ($(B_4)! 0.5 !(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (H_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_5)!(C_4)$);
        \coordinate (B_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_5)!(B_4)$);
        \coordinate (A_6) at ($(A_5)!(B_5)!(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (C_6) at ($(B_5)! 0.5 !(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (H_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_6)!(C_5)$);
        \coordinate (B_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_6)!(B_5)$);
        \coordinate (A_7) at ($(A_6)!(B_6)!(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (C_7) at ($(B_6)! 0.5 !(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (H_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_7)!(C_6)$);
        \coordinate (B_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_7)!(B_6)$);
        \coordinate (A_8) at ($(A_7)!(B_7)!(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (C_8) at ($(B_7)! 0.5 !(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (H_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_8)!(C_7)$);
        \coordinate (B_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_8)!(B_7)$);
        \coordinate (A_9) at ($(A_8)!(B_8)!(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (C_9) at ($(B_8)! 0.5 !(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (H_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_9)!(C_8)$);
        \coordinate (B_9) at ($(A_9)!(C_9)!(B_8)$);
        \draw[thin] (A_1) -- (B_0);
        \draw[thin] (C_1) -- (H_0);
        \draw[thin] (B_1) -- (C_1);
        \draw[thin] (A_1) -- (C_1);
        \draw[thin] (A_2) -- (B_1);
        \draw[thin] (C_2) -- (H_1);
        \draw[thin] (B_2) -- (C_2);
        \draw[thin] (A_2) -- (C_2);
        \draw[thin] (A_3) -- (B_2);
        \draw[thin] (C_3) -- (H_2);
        \draw[thin] (B_3) -- (C_3);
        \draw[thin] (A_3) -- (C_3);
        \draw[thin] (A_4) -- (B_3);
        \draw[thin] (C_4) -- (H_3);
        \draw[thin] (B_4) -- (C_4);
        \draw[thin] (A_4) -- (C_4);
        \draw[thin] (A_5) -- (B_4);
        \draw[thin] (C_5) -- (H_4);
        \draw[thin] (B_5) -- (C_5);
        \draw[thin] (A_5) -- (C_5);
        \draw[thin] (A_6) -- (B_5);
        \draw[thin] (C_6) -- (H_5);
        \draw[thin] (B_6) -- (C_6);
        \draw[thin] (A_6) -- (C_6);
        \draw[thin] (A_7) -- (B_6);
        \draw[thin] (C_7) -- (H_6);
        \draw[thin] (B_7) -- (C_7);
        \draw[thin] (A_7) -- (C_7);
        \draw[thin] (A_8) -- (B_7);
        \draw[thin] (C_8) -- (H_7);
        \draw[thin] (B_8) -- (C_8);
        \draw[thin] (A_8) -- (C_8);
        \draw[thin] (A_9) -- (B_8);
        \draw[thin] (C_9) -- (H_8);
        \draw[thin] (B_9) -- (C_9);
        \draw[thin] (A_9) -- (C_9);

然而,由于 TiKZ 的坐标数学引擎存在某种浮点计算问题,似乎错误正在累积并破坏了图表。我没有得到一个漂亮的风车图,而是得到了一些半心半意的曲线。


请注意,即使我申请Mark Wibrow 的修复,问题没有解决。看来这个问题是受缩放比例影响的。上图是以 30 的比例绘制的。如果我增加到 50,情况就更糟了。




这里的基本思想是不使用坐标投影,而是简单地通过插值获取点,然后使用递归和变换厌恶. 其结果是代码更短:

\pgfmathparse{sqrt(1/(\pw + 1)}\let\sc=\pgfmathresult
  (0, 1) coordinate (A) node [scale=\sc, anchor=270-\b*\pw] {$A_\pw$}
  (0, 0) coordinate (B) node [scale=\sc, anchor= 45-\b*\pw] {$B_\pw$}
  (2, 0) coordinate (C) node [scale=\sc, anchor=180-\b*\pw] {$C_\pw$};
\draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
  ($(A)!0.2!(C)$) coordinate (P) ($(B)!0.5!(P)$) coordinate (Q)
  ($(P)!0.5!(C)$) coordinate (R) ($(B)!0.5!(C)$) coordinate (S);
\draw (B) -- (Q) (S) -- (R) node [scale=\sc, anchor=225-\b*\pw] {$H_\pw$};
\begin{scope}[shift=(Q), scale=\k, rotate=-\b]
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]



  ($(0,1)!0.2!(2,0)$) coordinate (P-\order)
  ($(0,0)!0.5!(P-\order)$)   coordinate (Q-\order)
  ($(P-\order)!0.5!(2,0)$)   coordinate (R-\order);
\begin{scope}[shift=(P-\order), scale=\k, xscale=-1, rotate=-\a]
  \path [every triangle/.try, triangle 1/.try] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[shift=(Q-\order), scale=\k, xscale=-1, rotate=270-\a] 
  \path [every triangle/.try, triangle 2/.try] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,0) -- cycle; 
\begin{scope}[shift=(Q-\order), scale=\k, rotate=-\b]
  \path [every triangle/.try, triangle 3/.try] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[shift=(R-\order), scale=\k, rotate=180-\b]
  \path [every triangle/.try, triangle 4/.try] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[shift=(R-\order), scale=\k, xscale=-1, rotate=270-\a]
  \path [every triangle/.try, triangle 5/.try] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (2,0) -- cycle;
  every triangle/.style={draw=white, thick, line join=round},
  triangle 1/.style={fill=red},
  triangle 2/.style={fill=orange},
  triangle 3/.style={fill=yellow},
  triangle 4/.style={fill=purple},
  triangle 5/.style={fill=pink}}



scale我的建议是:只有在绝对必要时才使用选项 或 。在您的代码中,该scale选项仅用于定义A_0B_0C_0

% The coordinate math engine in tikz has an error that makes it inaccurate at
% calculating extremely fine coordinates. This redefinition fixes the problem:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/256333/256377
% use the Mark Wibrow's correction
  \pgfmathcos@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
  \pgfmathsin@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%

    \coordinate [label=above: $A_{0}$] (A_0) at (0,1);
    \coordinate [label=below: $B_{0}$] (B_0) at (0,0);
    \coordinate [label=right: $C_{0}$] (C_0) at (2,0);
  \draw (A_0) -- (B_0) -- (C_0) -- (A_0);
  \coordinate [label=above: $A_{1}$]
  (A_1) at ($(A_0)!(B_0)!(C_0)$);
  \coordinate [label=below: $C_{1}$]
  (C_1) at ($(B_0)!0.5!(C_0)$);
  \coordinate [label=above: $H_{0}$]
  (H_0) at ($(A_0)!(C_1)!(C_0)$);
  \coordinate [label=left: $B_{1}$]
  (B_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_1)!(B_0)$);
  \coordinate [label=above: $A_{2}$]
  (A_2) at ($(A_1)!(B_1)!(C_1)$);
  \coordinate [label=below: $C_{2}$]
  (C_2) at ($(B_1)!0.5!(C_1)$);
  \coordinate [label=above: $H_{1}$]
  (H_1) at ($(A_1)!(C_2)!(C_1)$);
  \coordinate [label=left: $B_{2}$]
  (B_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_2)!(B_1)$);
  \coordinate (A_3) at ($(A_2)!(B_2)!(C_2)$);
  \coordinate (C_3) at ($(B_2)! 0.5 !(C_2)$);
  \coordinate (H_2) at ($(A_2)!(C_3)!(C_2)$);
  \coordinate (B_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_3)!(B_2)$);
  \coordinate (A_4) at ($(A_3)!(B_3)!(C_3)$);
  \coordinate (C_4) at ($(B_3)! 0.5 !(C_3)$);
  \coordinate (H_3) at ($(A_3)!(C_4)!(C_3)$);
  \coordinate (B_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_4)!(B_3)$);
  \coordinate (A_5) at ($(A_4)!(B_4)!(C_4)$);
  \coordinate (C_5) at ($(B_4)! 0.5 !(C_4)$);
  \coordinate (H_4) at ($(A_4)!(C_5)!(C_4)$);
  \coordinate (B_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_5)!(B_4)$);
  \coordinate (A_6) at ($(A_5)!(B_5)!(C_5)$);
  \coordinate (C_6) at ($(B_5)! 0.5 !(C_5)$);
  \coordinate (H_5) at ($(A_5)!(C_6)!(C_5)$);
  \coordinate (B_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_6)!(B_5)$);
  \coordinate (A_7) at ($(A_6)!(B_6)!(C_6)$);
  \coordinate (C_7) at ($(B_6)! 0.5 !(C_6)$);
  \coordinate (H_6) at ($(A_6)!(C_7)!(C_6)$);
  \coordinate (B_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_7)!(B_6)$);
  \coordinate (A_8) at ($(A_7)!(B_7)!(C_7)$);
  \coordinate (C_8) at ($(B_7)! 0.5 !(C_7)$);
  \coordinate (H_7) at ($(A_7)!(C_8)!(C_7)$);
  \coordinate (B_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_8)!(B_7)$);
  \coordinate (A_9) at ($(A_8)!(B_8)!(C_8)$);
  \coordinate (C_9) at ($(B_8)! 0.5 !(C_8)$);
  \coordinate (H_8) at ($(A_8)!(C_9)!(C_8)$);
  \coordinate (B_9) at ($(A_9)!(C_9)!(B_8)$);
  \draw[thin] (A_1) -- (B_0);
  \draw[thin] (C_1) -- (H_0);
  \draw[thin] (B_1) -- (C_1);
  \draw[thin] (A_1) -- (C_1);
  \draw[thin] (A_2) -- (B_1);
  \draw[thin] (C_2) -- (H_1);
  \draw[thin] (B_2) -- (C_2);
  \draw[thin] (A_2) -- (C_2);
  \draw[thin] (A_3) -- (B_2);
  \draw[thin] (C_3) -- (H_2);
  \draw[thin] (B_3) -- (C_3);
  \draw[thin] (A_3) -- (C_3);
  \draw[thin] (A_4) -- (B_3);
  \draw[thin] (C_4) -- (H_3);
  \draw[thin] (B_4) -- (C_4);
  \draw[thin] (A_4) -- (C_4);
  \draw[thin] (A_5) -- (B_4);
  \draw[thin] (C_5) -- (H_4);
  \draw[thin] (B_5) -- (C_5);
  \draw[thin] (A_5) -- (C_5);
  \draw[thin] (A_6) -- (B_5);
  \draw[thin] (C_6) -- (H_5);
  \draw[thin] (B_6) -- (C_6);
  \draw[thin] (A_6) -- (C_6);
  \draw[thin] (A_7) -- (B_6);
  \draw[thin] (C_7) -- (H_6);
  \draw[thin] (B_7) -- (C_7);
  \draw[thin] (A_7) -- (C_7);
  \draw[thin] (A_8) -- (B_7);
  \draw[thin] (C_8) -- (H_7);
  \draw[thin] (B_8) -- (C_8);
  \draw[thin] (A_8) -- (C_8);
  \draw[thin] (A_9) -- (B_8);
  \draw[thin] (C_9) -- (H_8);
  \draw[thin] (B_9) -- (C_9);
  \draw[thin] (A_9) -- (C_9);



% The coordinate math engine in tikz has an error that makes it inaccurate at
% calculating extremely fine coordinates. This redefinition fixes the problem:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/256333/256377
% use the Mark Wibrow's correction
  \pgfmathcos@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
  \pgfmathsin@{\pgf@tmp}\pgf@y=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=90,line join=round]
    \coordinate [label=above: $A_{0}$] (A-0) at (0,1);
    \coordinate [label=below: $B_{0}$] (B-0) at (0,0);
    \coordinate [label=right: $C_{0}$] (C-0) at (2,0);
  \draw (A-0) -- (B-0) -- (C-0) -- (A-0);

  \foreach \lev in {1,...,9}{
    \coordinate (A-\lev) at ($(A-\plev)!(B-\plev)!(C-\plev)$);
    \coordinate (C-\lev) at ($(B-\plev)!.5!(C-\plev)$);
    \coordinate (H-\plev) at ($(A-\plev)!(C-\lev)!(C-\plev)$);
    \coordinate (B-\lev) at ($(A-\lev)!(C-\lev)!(B-\plev)$);
    \draw[thin] (A-\lev) -- (B-\plev);
    \draw[thin] (C-\lev) -- (H-\plev);
    \draw[thin] (A-\lev) -- (B-\lev) -- (C-\lev) -- cycle;
