包提供的命令框架突出显示边距注释。不幸的是,一旦在嵌套枚举环境中插入注释,leftbar 似乎会以某种方式破坏边距宽度的计算。我在下面提供了一些最小的工作示例代码来说明这个问题。在枚举环境中使用时,有没有什么方法可以使其正常工作\marginpar
This is a comment next to regular text.
\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item Third item.
\item[First] is the first sub item of the third item.
\item[Second] is the second sub item of the third item.
% !!! At this point things go horribly wrong.
This is a comment inside a nested description, the width of the margin is somehow off.
\item[Third] is the third sub item of the third item.
Once we're back in regular text the margin width is calculated properly again.
指出该包可能仅在将来的版本中支持 marginpars。
\usepackage{mdframed} % instead of \usepackage{framed}
% this creates a similar leftbar environment
This is a comment next to regular text.
\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item Third item.
\item[First] is the first sub item of the third item.
\item[Second] is the second sub item of the third item.
This is a comment inside a nested description, the width of the margin is somehow off.
\item[Third] is the third sub item of the third item.
Once we're back in regular text the margin width is calculated properly again.