



内容作者将通过网络门户提供 TeX 内容,其中可能包括\chapter{Chapter Title}脚注、数学、图像和其他 TeX 语法。

然而,通常情况下,这些作者可能会错误地指定默认值chapter title page和样式,或者chapter content page受到损坏通过其他进口(、、\input等)\include\usepackage

澄清:AChapter Title Page是章节的第一页。Chapter Content Pages是章节的其余内容页。这与目录无关,但不应影响目录。



是否可以仅定义和应用自定义类一次来影响整个文档的所有Chapter Title Pages内容,而无需像类似问题中所见的那样重复所有代码?Chapter Content Pages


  1. 能够分别为章节标题页和章节内容页定义页眉和页脚(当前答案无法做到这一点)。
  2. 最终为书中的每个部分提供单独的自定义样式(而不必担心默认样式被破坏)。
  3. 减少代码重复。
  4. 可以覆盖导入文档中不受欢迎的定制。
  5. \xpatchcmd任何其他修补命令列入黑名单并禁止使用。




    \makeoddhead {chapter}{left header}{odd header}{right header}
    \makeoddfoot {chapter}{left footer}{odd footer}{right footer}
    % ***** Added in Even Page Headers and Footers to show on Chapter Content Pages
    \makeevenhead {chapter}{left header}{even header}{right header}
    \makeevenfoot {chapter}{left footer}{even footer}{right footer}

    \makeoddhead {alternate}{left header}{alternate odd header}{right header}
    \makeoddfoot {alternate}{left footer}{alternate odd footer}{right footer}
    \makeevenhead {alternate}{left header}{alternate even header}{right header}
    \makeevenfoot {alternate}{left footer}{alternate even footer}{right footer}


    % ***** What Memoir Code could go here, to override all
    % ***** chapter title and content pagestyles?
    % ***** How to specify all chapter Title and Content Pages
    % ***** ... without having to provide an actual chapter.
    % ***** ... \xpatch can do this, but does Memoir have a way?

    \chapter{Non-Styled Chapter}
    \chapterprecis{Ideally the only code would be the \\ include command.  Authors will only have TeX code specific to their own content - with no knowledge of current styles, etc.  There would be no "\\ pagestyle" commands in these \\ include -ed files.  Here, chapter content pages have no custom headers and footers.  }
    % \include("./Content/MyContent.text")

    \chapter{Test Chapter With required \\ pagestyle command}
        \chapterprecis{Required to use inner Styling to get Headers and Footers.}
        % **** Chapter Content Pages Need this \pagestyle command?

    % ***** Every \chapter tag would reqire \chapterstyle, etc.
    % ***** Chapter Content will actually be pulled in via \include.
    \chapter{Testing Bianchi Chapter Style}
        \chapterprecis{Built in Chapter Styles have no impact on headers and footers.%
        Have to resort to including \\ pagestyle in order to override possible%
        corruption of default \\ pagestyle\{chapter\} }


    % ***** Bianchi Chapter Test 2, Without Style Tags
    \chapter{Non-Styled Chapter}
        \chapterprecis{Chapter Without Any Style Commands. Inherits globally altered changes.  This is what I am hoping to avoid.}








其次,你混淆\chapterstyle\pagestyle。它们是不同的。章节样式(使用 定义\makechapterstyle)与 的调用一起使用\chapterstyle,并定义设置章节标题的方式,而不是章节页眉/页脚。后者称为样式是通过(仅适用于当前页面)或(适用于从当前页面开始的页面)创建的\makepagestyle,并通过其使用/设置。\thispagestyle\pagestyle

以下是veelo 章节风格,例如:


% ...
\setcounter{chapter}{3}% Just for this example
\chapter{Demonstration of the veelo \\ chapter style}

标题 - Chapter 4- 和标题 - Demonstration of the veelo \\ chapter style- 的设置方式已经改变,但风格依旧chapter

以下是应用ChapterPage 样式到第一页\chaptermadsen 章节风格:




\makeoddhead {ChapterPage}{left header}{centre header}{right header}
\makeoddfoot {ChapterPage}{left footer}{centre header}{right header}



\setcounter{chapter}{3}% Just for this example
\chapter{Demonstration of the madsen \\ chapter style}


\chapter默认情况下,给出第一页\thispagestyle{chapter}(参见memoir 文档, 部分7.2 页面样式)并且chapter页面样式是副本 - 实际上是别名- plain(参见章节7.3 制作页眉和页脚)。



\makepagestyle{chapter}% Officially create the chapter page style
\makeheadrule{chapter}{<width>}{<thickness>}% Header rule specification
\makefootrule{chapter}{<width>}{<thickness>}{<skip>}% Footer rule specification
\makeevenhead{chapter}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}% Even header
\makeoddhead {chapter}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}% Odd header
\makeevenfoot{chapter}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}% Even footer
\makeoddfoot {chapter}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}% Odd footer





% This creates (and overrides) the chapter page style - set on the 
% first page of a \chapter
\makeoddhead {chapter}{left header}{chapter odd header}{right header}
\makeoddfoot {chapter}{left footer}{chapter odd footer}{right footer}
\makeevenhead{chapter}{left header}{chapter even header}{right header}
\makeevenfoot{chapter}{left footer}{chapter even footer}{right footer}

% This is everything else - set on "chapter content" pages
\makeoddhead {alternate}{left header}{alternate odd header}{right header}
\makeoddfoot {alternate}{left footer}{alternate odd footer}{right footer}
\makeevenhead{alternate}{left header}{alternate even header}{right header}
\makeevenfoot{alternate}{left footer}{alternate even footer}{right footer}



\sloppy% Just for this example

\chapter{Non-Styled Chapter}
\chapterprecis{Ideally the only code would be the \texttt{\string\include} command.
  Authors will only have TeX code specific to their own content - with no knowledge of current styles, 
  \textit{etc.} There would be no ``\texttt{\string\pagestyle}'' commands in these \texttt{\string\include}-ed files.
  Here, chapter content pages have no custom headers and footers.}

\chapter{Test Chapter With required \texttt{\string\pagestyle} command}
\chapterprecis{Required to use inner Styling to get Headers and Footers.}

\chapter{Testing Bianchi Chapter Style}
\chapterprecis{Built in Chapter Styles have no impact on headers and footers.%
  Have to resort to including \texttt{\string\pagestyle} in order to override possible%
  corruption of default \texttt{\string\pagestyle\string{chapter\string}}}

\chapter{Non-Styled Chapter}
\chapterprecis{Chapter Without Any Style Commands. Inherits globally altered changes.
  This is what I am hoping to avoid.}

