将项目符号放在 itemize 环境内的块中

将项目符号放在 itemize 环境内的块中

我试图在块中插入项目符号,但这些项目符号出现在该块之外。这可能是因为该块位于 itemize 环境中。有什么办法吗?


\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[ball]

\frametitle{Estimation problem}
\item  In finance it is a common to consider a parametric model for pricing 
derivatives and then estimate its parameters to the historical market data.
\item  However, this practice raises some questions about its effectiveness 
and implications.
\begin{block}{Related questions}
\item How the best-fitting parameters' set is treated after the estimation? 
\item Does the estimation error affect financial decisions? \\
\item How frequently does the parametric model need to be estimated?
\item Our work aims to give answers to these questions and outlines an 
alternative solution




  • 你的 mwe 不会生成你的图像
  • 解决您的问题的简单方法是将 itemize 分为以下三个部分:

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[ball]
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=white, bg=blue!70!black}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=black, bg=gray!20}

\frametitle{Estimation problem}
\item  In finance it is a common to consider a parametric model for pricing
derivatives and then estimate its parameters to the historical market data.
\item  However, this practice raises some questions about its effectiveness
and implications.

\begin{block}{Related questions}
\item How the best-fitting parameters' set is treated after the estimation?
\item Does the estimation error affect financial decisions?
\item How frequently does the parametric model need to be estimated?

\item Our work aims to give answers to these questions and outlines an
alternative solution



