我在用着mla13和 xelatex 创建 mla 格式的文档。我的教授要求我们的论文左对齐,所以我使用 \raggedright 来实现这一点。我发现这会导致段落缩进被删除,但由于 mla 格式的文档中段落需要缩进,所以我还必须使用 \setlength\parindent{0.5in} 重新设置它。我遇到的问题是这会导致在文档中添加换行符。
\title{Sample Sources MLA13 Document}
\professor{Dr. Professor}
In a recent report by the United Nations, they found that more than 884 million people do not have
access to safe drinking water \cite[e.g.][15-23]{unWater}. This number equates to more than 1 out
of every 8 people, not having access to something that is so vital to human life. Knowing this
fact, most must ask themselves, why the same water that we drink is used to clean our toilets and
wash our lawns. The water that hundreds of millions of people would love to have, is something that
we just flush down the toilet. This paper intends to examine the benefits of grey water systems,
and how their use leads to increased water conservation efforts, creating more benefits then costs.
Grey water systems are a technique that aids in water conservation efforts by reusing water that
doesn't need to be fully cleaned. For example, many grey water systems use the water that comes
from the shower drain to water the lawn or fill the toilet. Even though this water isn't going to a
water treatment plant, doesn't mean that it is not clean. Grey water systems are equipped with a
filter that removes most soaps and solid objects that make their way through the drainage system
\cite{planetArk}. With a private market for greywater systems developing, there are a variety of
commercial systems that filter water to ``remove hair, lint, and debris, and remove pollutants,
bacteria, salts'' and many more materials \cite{pacificInst2010}
\title{Sample Sources MLA13 Document}
\professor{Dr. Professor}
In a recent report by the United Nations, they found that more than 884 million people do not have
access to safe drinking water \cite[e.g.][15-23]{unWater}. This number equates to more than 1 out
of every 8 people, not having access to something that is so vital to human life. Knowing this
fact, most must ask themselves, why the same water that we drink is used to clean our toilets and
wash our lawns. The water that hundreds of millions of people would love to have, is something that
we just flush down the toilet. This paper intends to examine the benefits of grey water systems,
and how their use leads to increased water conservation efforts, creating more benefits then costs.
Grey water systems are a technique that aids in water conservation efforts by reusing water that
doesn't need to be fully cleaned. For example, many grey water systems use the water that comes
from the shower drain to water the lawn or fill the toilet. Even though this water isn't going to a
water treatment plant, doesn't mean that it is not clean. Grey water systems are equipped with a
filter that removes most soaps and solid objects that make their way through the drainage system
\cite{planetArk}. With a private market for greywater systems developing, there are a variety of
commercial systems that filter water to ``remove hair, lint, and debris, and remove pollutants,
bacteria, salts'' and many more materials \cite{pacificInst2010}
\title{Sample Sources MLA13 Document}
\professor{Dr. Professor}
In a recent report by the United Nations, they found that more than 884 million people do not have
access to safe drinking water \cite[e.g.][15-23]{unWater}. This number equates to more than 1 out
of every 8 people, not having access to something that is so vital to human life. Knowing this
fact, most must ask themselves, why the same water that we drink is used to clean our toilets and
wash our lawns. The water that hundreds of millions of people would love to have, is something that
we just flush down the toilet. This paper intends to examine the benefits of grey water systems,
and how their use leads to increased water conservation efforts, creating more benefits then costs.
Grey water systems are a technique that aids in water conservation efforts by reusing water that
doesn't need to be fully cleaned. For example, many grey water systems use the water that comes
from the shower drain to water the lawn or fill the toilet. Even though this water isn't going to a
water treatment plant, doesn't mean that it is not clean. Grey water systems are equipped with a
filter that removes most soaps and solid objects that make their way through the drainage system
\cite{planetArk}. With a private market for greywater systems developing, there are a variety of
commercial systems that filter water to ``remove hair, lint, and debris, and remove pollutants,
bacteria, salts'' and many more materials \cite{pacificInst2010}
命令以 结尾\end{nospacecenter}
因此 TeX 在完成其工作后会排版一个新段落。
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\title{Sample Sources MLA13 Document}
\professor{Dr. Professor}
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In a recent report by the United Nations, they found that more than 884 million people do not have
access to safe drinking water \cite[e.g.][15-23]{unWater}. This number equates to more than 1 out
of every 8 people, not having access to something that is so vital to human life. Knowing this
fact, most must ask themselves, why the same water that we drink is used to clean our toilets and
wash our lawns. The water that hundreds of millions of people would love to have, is something that
we just flush down the toilet. This paper intends to examine the benefits of grey water systems,
and how their use leads to increased water conservation efforts, creating more benefits then costs.
Grey water systems are a technique that aids in water conservation efforts by reusing water that
doesn't need to be fully cleaned. For example, many grey water systems use the water that comes
from the shower drain to water the lawn or fill the toilet. Even though this water isn't going to a
water treatment plant, doesn't mean that it is not clean. Grey water systems are equipped with a
filter that removes most soaps and solid objects that make their way through the drainage system
\cite{planetArk}. With a private market for greywater systems developing, there are a variety of
commercial systems that filter water to ``remove hair, lint, and debris, and remove pollutants,
bacteria, salts'' and many more materials \cite{pacificInst2010}