用 3 种类型的候选列表进行枚举

用 3 种类型的候选列表进行枚举

我的 MWE 是:


\setlength{\columnsep}{35pt}%% Space between columns
\setlength{\columnseprule}{2pt}%% Width of rule between columns


\renewenvironment{shortenumerate}[1][\hbox to \shortitemwidth{\hfil}]{%
    \setlength\shortitemwidth{45pt} %% Balaji added
    \ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\let\endsh@rtitem\relax\else
        \addtolength\leftmargin{-7pt} %% Balaji added
    \addtolength\labelsep{-5pt} %% Balaji added
    \addtolength\itemsep{0pt} %% Balaji added
\@rightskip\@flushglue \rightskip\@rightskip
\def\@itemlabel{\csname label\@enumctr \endcsname}%

\section{shortlist with 3 enumerate}

\item The values of should be about $-4$, $-3$.  The graph of $y=x$ should approximate a line of gradient~2.

\item The values of should be 0. The graph of $y=x$ is a parabola crossing the $x=-2$ and $x=2$.

\item 3
\item $-7$
\item 5
\item $-3$
\item $\frac{1}{2}$ 
\item 0

$4 +h$, $f'(2) =4$
$2h +3$, $f'(0) =3$
$-6 +h$, $f'(-1) =-6$

\item $2x +h -6$, $=2x -6$.
\item It is a concave-up parabola with $x=0$\break and $x=6$.
\item $f'(0) =-6$, $f'(6) =6$.
\item $f'(3) =0$.

\item $8 -2x -h$, $=8 -2x$
\item It is a concave-down parabola with $x=0$ and $x=8$.
\item $f'(0) =8$, $f'(8) =-8$.
\item $f'(4) =0$.


我想先获取阿拉伯数字列表,然后获取字母数字列表,最后获取罗马数字列表。阿拉伯数字和字母数字之间有固定的空格。字母数字和罗马数字之间也有固定的空格。\break在 中也不起作用\item。对齐方式如下所示:

预期输出为: 在此处输入图片描述
