如何修复 svg.path tikz 库上的相对坐标

如何修复 svg.path tikz 库上的相对坐标





  % Original
    \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 s 111 248 248 248 s 248 -111 248 -248 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Mix of relative
  \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 s 111 248 248 248 S 504 393 504 256 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Mix of relative
  \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 S 119 504 256 504 s 248 -111 248 -248 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Full absolute
  \draw svg "M256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 S 119 504 256 504 S 504 393 504 256 S 393 8 256 8 z";



\pgfparserdef{svgpath}{all}{the letter s}

  \ifnum\pgf@lib@svg@count=0\relax% nothing read
    % Draw curve
    % Compute first control point
    % Clear quadratic last point and save new last control point:
    % update
    \advance\pgf@lib@svg@last@x by\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{2}pt%
    \advance\pgf@lib@svg@last@y by\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{3}pt%
    % Go on




(我怀疑该行是从第 300 行复制而来的,而在C操作符中, {2}and {3}do 表示第二个控制点。)

这是 MWE



  \ifnum\pgf@lib@svg@count=0\relax% nothing read
    % Draw curve
    % Compute first control point
    % Clear quadratic last point and save new last control point:
    \pgf@process{\pgfpointadd{\pgfqpoint{\pgf@lib@svg@last@x}{\pgf@lib@svg@last@y}}{\pgfqpoint{\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{0}pt}{\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{1}pt}}} %%%%%% fixing this line
    % update
    \advance\pgf@lib@svg@last@x by\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{2}pt%
    \advance\pgf@lib@svg@last@y by\pgf@lib@svg@get@num{3}pt%
    % Go on

  % Original
    \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 s 111 248 248 248 s 248 -111 248 -248 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Mix of relative
  \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 s 111 248 248 248 S 504 393 504 256 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Mix of relative
  \draw svg "M 256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 S 119 504 256 504 s 248 -111 248 -248 S 393 8 256 8 z";
  % Full absolute
  \draw svg "M256 8 C 119 8 8 119 8 256 S 119 504 256 504 S 504 393 504 256 S 393 8 256 8 z";
