在表格上方添加 3 个多列

在表格上方添加 3 个多列


添加嵌套/颠倒的多列后(我需要在绘制那些黑框的地方添加多列) 这是我发布的第 1 张图片的代码









\caption{Extreme Learning Machine(ELM) with kernel classifier accuracy of 

combine reduced feature vectors whose individual classifier accuracy was low}

    \begin{tabular}{|l|l| c |C{2.5cm}| c |C{2.5cm}|C{2cm}|C{2.5cm}|}



    & Dimension

        &  \multirow{6}{*}{\rothead{ADD THESE\\ DIMENSIONS}}

            & Total after Adding Dimensions

                & Classifier

                    & Dimension Reduction Technique

                        & Reduced Dimension

                            & Accuracy  \\ 

    \cline{1-2} \cline{4-8}

LBP & 4D    &

                & \multirow{5}{=}{4D + 6D + 4D\\ + 3D + 4D = 21D}

                    & ELM

                        & \multirow{5}{=}{Eigenvalue as Dimension Estimator,

                                          PCA as Dimension Reduction}
                            & \multirow{5}{=}{21 dimensions reduced to 

                                & \multirow{5}{=}{Combine accuracy of 9 
                                                  reduced Feature Vector is 
again 80\%}    \\

    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}

RGLBP         & 6D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\

    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}

BDIP   & 4D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\

    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}

HOG      & 3D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\

    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}

Combine and reduced     & 4D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &    \\ 

 fv of poor individual  &       &   &   &       &   &   &  \\ 

  accuracy algorithms   &       &   &   &       &   &   & \\  






由于您不提供可编译的 mwe,我使用我的答案对于您之前的类似问题,展示了如何制作“多段落”多行单元格的原理。在其中,“段落”可以用\newline命令(仅)在其自身之间分开。对于它们之间的小垂直空间似乎是 \smallskip在`\newline 之前的广告适当的措施:

\multirow{5}{=}{Correlation as Dimension Estimator,
                PCA as Dimension Reduction\smallskip\newline                                        
                Add Multicol here\smallskip\newline  
                Add Multicol here

这应该很容易使用/添加到您的表中,对于我来说,完整的 mwe 是:

%\usepackage{array} % loaded twice
\usepackage{rotating}% added, for rothead
\usepackage{array, makecell, multirow, tabu}{\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}}
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{#1}}% in this table is better use this definition

\caption{Extreme Learning Machine(ELM) with kernel classifier having reduced dimension of feature vectors individual accuracy}
    & Dimension
        &  \multirow{6}{*}{\rothead{ADD THESE\\ DIMENSIONS}}
            & Total after Adding Dimensions
                & Classifier
                    & Dimension Reduction Technique
                        & Reduced Dimension
                            & Accuracy  \\
    \cline{1-2} \cline{4-8}
CDF & 4D    &
                & \multirow{5}{=}{4D + 4D + 4D\\ + 7D + 7D = 26D}
                    & ELM
                        & \multirow{5}{=}{Correlation as Dimension Estimator,
                                          PCA as Dimension Reduction\smallskip\newline
                                          Add Multicol here\smallskip\newline
                                          Add Multicol here
                            & \multirow{5}{=}{26 dimensions reduced to 4 dimensions}
                                & \multirow{5}{=}{Combine accuracy of 4 dimensional
                                                  reduced Feature Vector is 68\%\smallskip\newline
                                                  Add Multicol here\smallskip\newline
                                                  Add Multicol here
                                                  }    \\
    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}
GO          & 4D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\
    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}
Bilateral   & 4D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\
    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}
SLDFFO      & 7D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\
    \cline{1-2} \cline{5-5}
SSGSM       & 7D    &   &   & ELM   &   &   &   \\


