\matrix (ae) [matrix of nodes,
column 1/.style={anchor=west},
column 6/.style={anchor=east},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
nodes in empty cells,
$x(0)$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\
$x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\
$x(2)$ & $x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & & & $|$ \\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $x(p-3)$ & $---$ & $x(0)$& $0$\\
$x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(0)$\\
$x(p+1)$ & $x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(1)$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $x(N-3)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1-p)$\\
$0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p)$\\
$0$ & $0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p+1)$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$0$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1)$\\
% Vertical lines at the left corner
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$}
($(ae-7-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-10-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$)
node[left,xshift=-1mm] {$N - p$} node[yshift=-1mm] {$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(10ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-15-1.west)-(10ex,0)$)
node[] {\textbullet};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-16-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$}
($(ae-22-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet};
% Left side matrix delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
% Right side matrix delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
\matrix (be) [matrix of math nodes,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
inner sep=2.5pt,
ampersand replacement=\&]
\begin{scope}[xshift = 9cm, right of=be]
\matrix (ce) [matrix of math nodes,
column 1/.style={anchor=west},
%column 1/.style={anchor=east},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
inner sep=2.5pt,
ampersand replacement=\&]
e(p - 1)\\
e(p + 1)\\
e(N - 1)\\
e(N - 1 + p)\\
% Left side delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-12-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
% Right side delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-12-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-22-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-22-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
% Right side lines
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-10-1.east)+(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- ($(ce-12-1.south east)+(10ex,0)$)
node[right,xshift=1mm] {COVAR} node[yshift=-1mm] {$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north east)+(10ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-15-1.east)+(10ex,0)$)
node[] {\textbullet};
在这个答案中,我只关注最后一部分,只关注如何使线条笔直。(就我个人而言,我会采取不同的方式,用 LaTeX 命令制作括号,并添加一些 Ti钾顶部有 Z 注释。)主要信息包括:
- 加载
库以便更好、更简单地放置节点。 使用
) 指令将节点放置在与相同的 x 坐标x
和 y 坐标处y
(反之亦然)。\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{matrix} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} %<- added \begin{document} \begin{sideways} \begin{tikzpicture}[ %%--------------------------------------- %%--------------------------------------- ] \matrix (ae) [matrix of nodes, column 1/.style={anchor=west}, column 6/.style={anchor=east}, minimum width=1cm, column sep=0.3ex, row sep=0.3ex, nodes in empty cells, ] { $x(0)$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\ $x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\ $x(2)$ & $x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & & & $|$ \\ $|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\ $x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $x(p-3)$ & $---$ & $x(0)$& $0$\\ $x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(0)$\\ $x(p+1)$ & $x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(1)$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $x(N-3)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1-p)$\\ $0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p)$\\ $0$ & $0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p+1)$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\ $0$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1)$\\ }; % Vertical lines at the left corner \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$} ($(ae-7-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-10-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$) node[left,xshift=-1mm] {$N - p$} node[yshift=-1mm] {$\approx$}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(10ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-15-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-16-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$} ($(ae-22-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet}; % Left side matrix delimiter \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0); % Right side matrix delimiter \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0); \begin{scope}[xshift=7cm] \matrix (be) [matrix of math nodes, left delimiter={[}, right delimiter={]}, minimum width=1cm, column sep=0.3ex, row sep=0.3ex, inner sep=2.5pt, ampersand replacement=\&] { 1\\ a_p(1)\\ a_p(2)\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ a_p(p)\\ }; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift = 9cm, right of=be] \matrix (ce) [matrix of math nodes, column 1/.style={anchor=west}, %column 1/.style={anchor=east}, minimum width=1cm, column sep=0.3ex, row sep=0.3ex, inner sep=2.5pt, ampersand replacement=\&] { e(0)\\ e(1)\\ e(2)\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ e(p - 1)\\ e(p)\\ \\ e(p + 1)\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ e(N - 1)\\ e(N)\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ \mid\\ e(N - 1 + p)\\ }; % Left side delimiter \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-12-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$}; \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0); % Right side delimiter \coordinate (rt) at ($(ce-1-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$); \coordinate (rb) at ($(ce-22-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$); \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(rb)-(5mm,0)$) -- (rb) -- (rt-|rb) node[pos=0.47](app6){$\approx$}-- ($(rt-|rb)-(5mm,0)$); % \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0); % \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-1-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-12-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$}; % \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-22-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$); % \draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-22-1.south east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0); \node[right=0.3cm of app6] (app7){$\approx$}; % Right side lines \draw[line width=0.6pt] (ce-10-1-|app7) node[] {\textbullet} -- (ce-15-1-|app7) node[] {\textbullet}; \node[right=1mm of app7] {COVAR}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{sideways} \end{document}
矩阵可以被视为节点。对于它们来说,所有锚点都被定义为具有矩形形状的节点。因此,您可以为完整矩阵定义其他选项,例如inner sep
node distance = 3ex,
*-*/.style = {{Circle[length=2pt]}-{Circle[length=2pt]},
shorten <=0.5ex, shorten >=0.5ex}
\matrix (ae) [inner sep=0pt,
matrix of math nodes,
nodes={text height=1.75ex, text depth=0.5ex,
inner sep=2pt, anchor=west},
column 4/.append style={anchor=center},
column 5/.append style={anchor=center},
column 6/.append style={nodes={anchor=east}},
column sep=0pt,
row sep=3pt,
nodes in empty cells,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]}
x(0) & 0 & 0 & \dotsm & \dotsm & 0 \\
x(1) & x(0) & 0 & \dotsm & \dotsm & 0 \\
x(2) & x(1) & x(0) & \ddots & & 0 \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\
x(p{-}1)& x(p{-}2) & x(p{-}3) & \dotsm & x(0) & 0 \\
x(p) & x(p-1) & x(p{-}2) & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(0) \\
x(p{+}1)& x(p) & x(p{-}1) & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(1) \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\
x(N{-}1)& x(N{-}2) & x(N{-}3) & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(N{-}1{-}p) \\
0 & x(N{-}1) & x(N{-}2) & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(N{-}p) \\
0 & 0 & x(N{-}1) & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(N{-}p{+}1) \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & 0 & \dotsm & \dotsm & x(N{-}1)\\
% vertical lines at the left side
\coordinate[left=1em of ae.west] (aux1); % ae.west is matrix ae west anchor
\draw[*-*] (ae-1-1.north west -| aux1) -- node[left] {$p$}
(ae-4-1.south west -| aux1);
\draw[*-*] (ae-7-1.north west -| aux1) -- node[left] {$N{-}p$}% node {$\approx$}
(ae-10-1.south west -| aux1);
\draw[*-*] (ae-11-1.north west -| aux1) -- node[left] {$p$}
(ae-13-1.south west -| aux1);
\matrix (be) [right=of ae,
inner sep=0pt,
matrix of math nodes,
nodes={text height=1.75ex, text depth=0.5ex,
inner sep=2pt},
row sep=3pt,
nodes in empty cells,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]}
1 \\
a_p(1) \\
a_p(2) \\
\vdots \\
\vdots \\
\vdots \\
a_p(p) \\
\matrix (ce) [right=of be,
inner sep=0pt,
matrix of math nodes,
nodes={text height=1.75ex, text depth=0.5ex,
inner sep=2pt},
row sep=3pt,
nodes in empty cells,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]}
e(0) \\
e(1) \\
e(2) \\
\vdots \\
e(p{-}1) \\
e(p) \\
e(p{+}1) \\
\vdots \\
e(N{-}1) \\
e(N) \\
\vdots \\
% vertical lines at the right side
\coordinate[right=1em of ce.east] (aux1);% ce.east is matrix ce east anchor
\draw[*-*] (ce-7-1.north west -| aux1) -- node[right] {COVAR}
(ce-9-1.south west -| aux1);
\matrix (ae) [matrix of nodes,
column 1/.style={anchor=west},
column 6/.style={anchor=east},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
nodes in empty cells,
$x(0)$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\
$x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $0$ \\
$x(2)$ & $x(1)$ & $x(0)$ & & & $|$ \\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & & & & $|$\\
$x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $x(p-3)$ & $---$ & $x(0)$& $0$\\
$x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $x(p-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(0)$\\
$x(p+1)$ & $x(p)$ & $x(p-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(1)$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $x(N-3)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1-p)$\\
$0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $x(N-2)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p)$\\
$0$ & $0$ & $x(N-1)$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-p+1)$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$|$ & $|$ & $|$ & & & $|$\\
$0$ & $0$ & $0$ & $---$ & $---$ & $x(N-1)$\\
% Vertical lines at the left corner
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$}
($(ae-7-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-10-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(10ex,0)$)
node[left,xshift=-1mm] {$N - p$} node[yshift=-1mm] {$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(10ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-15-1.west)-(10ex,0)$)
node[] {\textbullet};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-16-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- node[left] {$p$}
($(ae-22-1.west)-(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet};
% Left side matrix delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-1.north west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-1.south west)-(6ex,0)$) -- ++(5mm, 0);
% Right side matrix delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-1-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-12-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) node[yshift=-1mm]{$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-13-6.north east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$);
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ae-22-6.south east)+(6ex,0)$) -- ++(-5mm, 0);
\matrix (be) [matrix of math nodes,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
inner sep=2.5pt,
ampersand replacement=\&]
\begin{scope}[xshift = 9cm, right of=be,local bounding box=vector A]
\matrix (ce) [matrix of math nodes,
column 1/.style={anchor=west},
%column 1/.style={anchor=east},
minimum width=1cm,
column sep=0.3ex,
row sep=0.3ex,
inner sep=2.5pt,
ampersand replacement=\&]
e(p - 1)\\
e(p + 1)\\
e(N - 1)\\
e(N - 1 + p)\\
% Left side delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] (vector A.north west)++(5mm, 0) -- (vector A.north west)
-- (vector A.south west) node[yshift=-1mm, midway]{$\approx$} -- ++(5mm, 0);
% right side delimiter
\draw[line width=0.6pt] (vector A.north east)++(-5mm, 0) -- (vector A.north east)
-- (vector A.south east) node[yshift=-1mm, midway]{$\approx$} -- ++(-5mm, 0);
% Right side lines
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-10-1.east)+(10ex,0)$) node[] {\textbullet} -- ($(ce-12-1.south east)+(10ex,0)$)
node[right,xshift=1mm] {COVAR} node[yshift=-1mm] {$\approx$};
\draw[line width=0.6pt] ($(ce-13-1.north east)+(10ex,0)$) -- ($(ce-15-1.east)+(10ex,0)$)
node[] {\textbullet};