% Make the "Part I" text invisible
\renewcommand \thepart{}
\renewcommand \partname{}
\doparttoc % Tell to minitoc to generate a toc for the parts
\faketableofcontents % Run a fake tableofcontents command for the partocs
\part{} % Start the document part
%\parttoc % Insert the document TOC
First content.
Second content.
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix} % Add the appendix text to the document TOC
\part{Appendix} % Start the appendix part
\parttoc % Insert the appendix TOC
\section{Appendix First}
Appendix first content.
\section{Appendix Second}
Appendix second content.
您可以使用 minitoc 包提供的命令
\noptcrule %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HERE
% Make the "Part I" text invisible
\renewcommand \thepart{}
\renewcommand \partname{}
\doparttoc % Tell to minitoc to generate a toc for the parts
\faketableofcontents % Run a fake tableofcontents command for the partocs
\part{} % Start the document part
%\parttoc % Insert the document TOC
First content.
Second content.
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix} % Add the appendix text to the document TOC
\part{Appendix} % Start the appendix part
\parttoc % Insert the appendix TOC
\section{Appendix First}
Appendix first content.
\section{Appendix Second}
Appendix second content.
第 1.5.1 节,一种“更简单”的方法是使用\mtcsetrules