我正在尝试为定理环境和相关功能创建自定义包。考虑以下 MWE:
%Required packages
\RequirePackage{xkeyval} % For key-value syntax, \DeclareOptionX
\RequirePackage{amsthm} % For theorem environments
%Initialize some variables
%Default english theorem names
%Declaring package options
\DeclareOption{babel}{ %Babel Option to adjust theorem names if babel is used
\DeclareOption{swapnumbers}{\renewcommand{\@swapnumbersoption}{\swapnumbers}} %Option to enable number swaps i.e. '1.1 Definition' rather than 'Definition 1.1'
\DeclareOptionX{theoremlevel}{\renewcommand{\theoremlevel}{#1}} %Key value option to specify the level theorem environments are numbered within
%Creating theorem environments
\@swapnumbersoption %Swaps numbers if option 'swapnumbers' is enabled, does nothing otherwise
Unknown option `theoremlevel=subsection' for package `test'. \ProcessOptions\relax
Unknown option `swapnumbers' for package `test'. \ProcessOptionsX\relax
Unknown option `babel' for package `test'. \ProcessOptionsX\relax
Writing text ` ' before \end{filecontents} as last line of test.sty
您可以为标准选项处理器定义一个默认选项,以让未知选项通过,但如果要使用 X 形式,则更为简单
%Required packages
\RequirePackage{xkeyval} % For key-value syntax, \DeclareOptionX
\RequirePackage{amsthm} % For theorem environments
%Initialize some variables
%Default english theorem names
%Declaring package options
\DeclareOptionX{babel}{%missing % %Babel Option to adjust theorem names if babel is used
\addto\captionsenglish{%missing %
\renewcommand{\theoremname}{Theorem}%missing %
}%missing %
\addto\captionsngerman{%missing %
\renewcommand{\theoremname}{Satz}%missing %
}%missing %
\DeclareOptionX{swapnumbers}{\renewcommand{\@swapnumbersoption}{\swapnumbers}} %Option to enable number swaps i.e. '1.1 Definition' rather than 'Definition 1.1'
\DeclareOptionX{theoremlevel}{\renewcommand{\theoremlevel}{#1}} %Key value option to specify the level theorem environments are numbered within
% you only want the X form \ProcessOptions\relax
%Creating theorem environments
\@swapnumbersoption %Swaps numbers if option 'swapnumbers' is enabled, does nothing otherwise