\def\exampletext{Eksempel} % If English
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\newtcolorbox[use counter=testexample]{testexamplebox}{%
% Example Frame Start
empty,% Empty previously set parameters
title={\exampletext\ \thetcbcounter: #1},% use \thetcbcounter to access the
testexample counter text
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attach boxed title to top left,
% Ensures proper line breaking in longer titles
minipage boxed title,
% (boxed title style requires an overlay)
boxed title style={empty,size=minimal,toprule=0pt,top=4pt,left=3mm,overlay=
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before upper=\csname @totalleftmargin\endcsname0pt, % Use instead of
parbox=true. %This ensures parskip is inherited by box.
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overlay unbroken={\draw[colexam,line width=.5pt] ([xshift=-0pt]title.north
west) -- ([xshift=-0pt]frame.south west); },
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Here is an example
Look at example \ref{ex:1}
\def\exampletext{Eksempel} % If English
\NewTColorBox[use counter=testexample]{testexamplebox}{O{}o}{%
% Example Frame Start
empty,% Empty previously set parameters
title={\exampletext\ \thetcbcounter: #1},% use \thetcbcounter to access the
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attach boxed title to top left,
% Ensures proper line breaking in longer titles
minipage boxed title,
% (boxed title style requires an overlay)
boxed title style={empty,size=minimal,toprule=0pt,top=4pt,left=3mm,overlay=
coltitle=colexam,fonttitle=\bfseries, before=\par\medskip\noindent,parbox=false,boxsep=0pt,left=3mm,right=0mm,top=2pt,breakable,pad at break=0mm,
before upper=\csname @totalleftmargin\endcsname0pt, % Use instead of
parbox=true. %This ensures parskip is inherited by box.
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overlay unbroken={\draw[colexam,line width=.5pt] ([xshift=-0pt]title.north
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- ([xshift=-0pt]frame.south west); },%
\colorlet{colexam}{red!55!black} % Global example color
Here is an example
Look at example \ref{ex:1}