错误: \iterate 定义中的参数编号非法

错误: \iterate 定义中的参数编号非法

我正在使用 beamer 类,我想在幻灯片中添加一个图形,但是我一直收到此错误:

    ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \iterate.
     <to be read again> 
      l.229 \end{frame}



  node distance = 0pt,
  shorten <>/.style = {shorten <=#1, shorten >=#1},
  start chain = going right,
   box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, fill=#1,
            minimum width=6mm, minimum height=9mm, outer sep=0pt,
            node contents={},
            on chain},
   box/.default = none,
    arrow/.style = {draw=blue!60!black, thick, shorten <>=1mm, 
            out=90, in=90, looseness=3,
            -{Straight Barb[bend]}},
     arbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt, minimum size=5pt},
  %crbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt,
          %  node contents={\scriptsize\color{red}$\boldsymbol{\times}$}
           % },
    label distance = -3pt,
     sx/.style = {xshift=#1pt}
   \node (n0) [box,dashed];
      \foreach \i in {1,2,3}
              \node (n\i) [box]
              \node (n\i) [box=gray!25]
           \node (n14) [box,dashed];

\draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n0)  -- + (-9mm,0mm);
\draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n14) -- + (+9mm,0mm);





环境frame是通过多次将其内容分配给宏来实现的。在此过程中, 被#解释。因此,要#在 中使用frame,您必须将每个 替换#####

  node distance = 0pt,
  shorten <>/.style = {shorten <=####1, shorten >=####1},
  start chain = going right,
   box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, fill=####1,
            minimum width=6mm, minimum height=9mm, outer sep=0pt,
            node contents={},
            on chain},
   box/.default = none,
    arrow/.style = {draw=blue!60!black, thick, shorten <>=1mm, 
            out=90, in=90, looseness=3,
            -{Straight Barb[bend]}},
     arbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt, minimum size=5pt},
  %crbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt,
          %  node contents={\scriptsize\color{red}$\boldsymbol{\times}$}
           % },
    label distance = -3pt,
     sx/.style = {xshift=####1pt}
    \node (n0) [box,dashed];
    \foreach \i in {1,2,3}
        \node (n\i) [box]
        \node (n\i) [box=gray!25]
    \node (n14) [box,dashed];

    \draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n0)  -- + (-9mm,0mm);
    \draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n14) -- + (+9mm,0mm); 


如果您的框架中包含易碎内容,例如 tikz 图片,请使用框架fragile选项。




      node distance = 0pt,
      shorten <>/.style = {shorten <=#1, shorten >=#1},
      start chain = going right,
      box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, fill=#1,
      minimum width=6mm, minimum height=9mm, outer sep=0pt,
      node contents={},
      on chain},
      box/.default = none,
      arrow/.style = {draw=blue!60!black, thick, shorten <>=1mm, 
      out=90, in=90, looseness=3,
      -{Straight Barb[bend]}},
      arbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt, minimum size=5pt},
      %crbox/.style = {inner sep=0pt,
      %  node contents={\scriptsize\color{red}$\boldsymbol{\times}$}
      % },
      label distance = -3pt,
      sx/.style = {xshift=#1pt}
    \node (n0) [box,dashed];
    \foreach \i in {1,2,3}
      \node (n\i) [box]
      \node (n\i) [box=gray!25]
    \node (n14) [box,dashed];
    \draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n0)  -- + (-9mm,0mm);
    \draw[ultra thick,dotted,shorten <=1mm]  (n14) -- + (+9mm,0mm);

