


我正在写简历,使用 时出现间距问题longtable。我注意到使用\justifying而不是 可以\justify在正文和标题之间提供更好的间距,但这似乎不适用于longtable。我确实找到了另一个问题关于这个问题,但他们的答案确实解决了我的问题。也许我做错了,或者根本就不是那样?


          [2004/02/01 v4.11 Multi-page Table package (DPC) + strut fix]
%reverse row count
\newcolumntype{N}[2]{>{\raggedleft\refstepcounter{rowcount}\fakelabel{\therowcount}\makebox[3em][r]{\color{black}\the\numexpr\getrefnumber{#1}+1 - \value{rowcount}.)}\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#2}}


\begin{longtable}{ N{compendium}{1cm} L{15.5cm}}
& \justifying Etch Protocols for UW-Stout’s Plasma Reactor, Original Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Advances in printed circuit board technology reduce footprint and increase computing power. A greater number of electrical connections between more layers of printed circuit board (PCB) creates complexity, particularly during plasma etching for circuits with high aspect ratios. This research has determined the effects of radio frequency, reactant ratios, and temperature on the etching of pre-impregnated epoxy resins using UW Stout's plasma reactors. Engineering concept design was incorporated to retrofit the plasma reactor to allow for three gases over two. Advanced Physics Capstone. Advisor: Dr. Marlann Patterson. Research, June 2016 – May 2017.
& \justifying Electro-Optical Composite Synthesis for Volume Holography, Assigned Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Process improvement (development) of a nanostructure material capable of being synthesized utilizing at UW-Stout. Synthesis of the photorefractive polymer 2,5-dimethyl-4-(p-nitrophenylazo) benzyl ether required a revise synthesis and stoichiometric analysis to derive starting materials and quotients. The purpose of this project was for the student to dive into an unfamiliar concept and bring it as far as the semester allowed. Advisor: Dr. Marlann Patterson. Project, Spring 2017.
%\caption{Academics Table} % needs to go inside longtable environment




  • 例如,不使用10.5ptin line 。您可以使用,或...\documentclass[a4paper,10.5pt]{article}10pt11pt12pt
  • 当前版本longtablelongtable.sty 2014/10/28 v4.11 Multi-page Table package (DPC),所以你不需要你的线路

      %[2004/02/01 v4.11 Multi-page Table package (DPC) + strut fix]


  • 我使用包showframe来可视化打字区域和边距。

  • 我更改了表中第二列的长度,如下所示:

    \begin{longtable}{ N{compendium}{1cm} L{10.5cm}} % L{15.5cm} <==========
  • 为了使命令文本\subsubsection*{Compendium}和长表之间的距离更小,可以使用\vspace{-\baselineskip}如下命令:

    \vspace{-\baselineskip} % <=============================================

拥有完整的 MWE

% 10.5pt % <============================================================


\usepackage{showframe} % <==============================================

          %[2004/02/01 v4.11 Multi-page Table package (DPC) + strut fix]
%reverse row count


\newcolumntype{N}[2]{>{\raggedleft\refstepcounter{rowcount}\fakelabel{\therowcount}\makebox[3em][r]{\color{black}\the\numexpr\getrefnumber{#1}+1 - \value{rowcount}.)}\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#2}}


\vspace{-\baselineskip} % <=============================================
\begin{longtable}{ N{compendium}{1cm} L{10.5cm}} % L{15.5cm} <==========
& \justifying Etch Protocols for UW-Stout’s Plasma Reactor, Original 
  Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Advances in printed circuit board 
  technology reduce footprint and increase computing power. A greater 
  number of electrical connections between more layers of printed 
  circuit board (PCB) creates complexity, particularly during plasma 
  etching for circuits with high aspect ratios. This research has 
  determined the effects of radio frequency, reactant ratios, and 
  temperature on the etching of pre-impregnated epoxy resins using UW 
  Stout's plasma reactors. Engineering concept design was incorporated 
  to retrofit the plasma reactor to allow for three gases over two. 
  Advanced Physics Capstone. Advisor: Dr. Marlann Patterson. Research, 
  June 2016 -– May 2017.
& \justifying Electro-Optical Composite Synthesis for Volume Holography, Assigned Research, UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI. Process improvement (development) of a nanostructure material capable of being synthesized utilizing at UW-Stout. Synthesis of the photorefractive polymer 2,5-dimethyl-4-(p-nitrophenylazo) benzyl ether required a revise synthesis and stoichiometric analysis to derive starting materials and quotients. The purpose of this project was for the student to dive into an unfamiliar concept and bring it as far as the semester allowed. Advisor: Dr. Marlann Patterson. Project, Spring 2017.
%\caption{Academics Table} % needs to go inside longtable environment
text \ref{tab:myfirstlongtable} text
text \ref{tab:myfirstlongtable} text
text \ref{compendium} text



