用 CIE 色度衰减填充光谱曲线的区域以在 pgfplots 中生成 CIE 色度图

用 CIE 色度衰减填充光谱曲线的区域以在 pgfplots 中生成 CIE 色度图

我正在尝试使用 pgfplots 绘制 CIE 色度图。我发现TikZ 色度图它展示了使用 tikz 的非常漂亮的解决方案。为了方便地在 CIE 色度图上绘制数据集,我想将此示例转移到 pgfplots 和可变绘图大小,但我不知道如何完成。

问题是:如何使用符合 CIE 的颜色褪色来填充 pgfplot 中光谱曲线内的区域,就像在参考问题中显示的那样,以便我可以轻松地在其上放置带有 pgfplots 的附加图,以及如何使褪色动态化,使其能够自行缩放到绘制的光谱曲线?

我不太熟悉 pgfplots 和填充背景所以我的尝试可能无法实现。

这是一个 MWE,它基本上是一张 pgfplots 图片,其中集成了来自引用问题的组件:



% Derived transformation matrix
  { 3.2410}{-1.5374}{-0.4986}
  {-0.9692}{ 1.8760}{ 0.0416}
  { 0.0556}{-0.2040}{ 1.0570}}

 % Linear color to gamma corrected transform
  dup 0.0031308 le                    % if < 0.0031308
  {12.92 mul}                         % then linear transform
  {1 2.4 div exp 1.055 mul -0.055 add}% else power transform
  ifelse }

% ------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE 4 HELPERS

  #3 mul     exch
  #2 mul add exch
  #1 mul add }

  3 copy 3 copy
  \scalarProduct{#7}{#8}{#9} 7 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#4}{#5}{#6} 5 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#1}{#2}{#3} 3 1 roll }

\def\xyYtoXYZ{                        % x y Y
  3 copy 3 1 roll                     % x y Y Y x y
  add neg 1 add mul 2 index div       % x y Y Y*(-(x+y)+1)/y=Z
  4 1 roll                            % Z x y Y
  dup                                 % Z x y Y Y=Y
  5 1 roll                            % Y Z x y Y
  3 2 roll                            % Y Z y Y x
  mul exch div                        % Y Z Y*x/y=X
  3 1 roll }                          % X Y Z

  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll}


    1000 div exch 1000 div exch       % x y   (chromaticity)
    1.0                               % x y Y (chromaticity+luminance)
    \xyYtoXYZ                         % X Y Z (XYZ)
    \expandafter\applyMatrix\XYZtoRGB % R G B (sRGB linear)
    \gammaCorrectVector }             % R G B (sRGB gamma corrected)

        %Spektrale Rand des CIE Raums
        \addplot[no marks,black,smooth] coordinates {\colorspaceline} -- cycle;

        \clip [smooth] plot coordinates {\colorspaceline} -- cycle;
        % sRGB color space



据我所知,阴影是静态的,不能自动适应图中绘制的光谱曲线。将 MWE 视为寻找解决方案的不良起点。

编辑: 我使用了 BambOo 提供的在 tikz 图片周围叠加轴的代码。单独使用时它可以工作,但在我的例子中,将其集成到更大的文档中会破坏 CIE 颜色阴影,并且该区域将显示为灰色 + PDF 查看器会识别出该页面上的错误。正如 PGF/tikz 文档中所述,使用函数进行褪色是脆弱的,这也可能发生在这里。

编辑: 从 pgfplots 添加绘图图形可能是一种实现此目的的方法。因此,需要一张清晰的色彩空间图片,该图片在色彩空间坐标系的定义位置上进行剪切。




\rput(5.5,8){\white \textbf{Colorspace sRGB}}


enter image description here


也许我误解了你的问题,但是你不能将 pgfplots 轴叠加到现有范围(取自你的链接帖子)吗?



% ------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW DATA

%  http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/color/freq-rgb.html
% Spectral stimuli colors - CIE 1931
\def\spectralLocus{ % xy coordinates from 390nm to 700nm in steps of 5nm

%  http://www.vendian.org/mncharity/dir3/blackbody/UnstableURLs/bbr_color.html
% Blackbody colors - CIE 1931
\def\planckianLocus{ % xy coordinates from 1000K to 40000K in steps of 100K

% ---------------------------------------------- sRGB COLORSPACE SPECIFICATION

% DATASET ORIGIN: http://www.color.org/sRGB.xalter

% CIE chromaticities for ITU-R BT.709 reference primaries
  (0.6400,0.3300)  % R
  (0.3000,0.6000)  % G
  (0.1500,0.0600)} % B

% CIE standard illuminant D65

% Derived transformation matrix
  { 3.2410}{-1.5374}{-0.4986}
  {-0.9692}{ 1.8760}{ 0.0416}
  { 0.0556}{-0.2040}{ 1.0570}}

 % Linear color to gamma corrected transform
  dup 0.0031308 le                    % if < 0.0031308
  {12.92 mul}                         % then linear transform
  {1 2.4 div exp 1.055 mul -0.055 add}% else power transform
  ifelse }

% ------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE 4 HELPERS

  #3 mul     exch
  #2 mul add exch
  #1 mul add }

  3 copy 3 copy
  \scalarProduct{#7}{#8}{#9} 7 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#4}{#5}{#6} 5 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#1}{#2}{#3} 3 1 roll }

\def\xyYtoXYZ{                        % x y Y
  3 copy 3 1 roll                     % x y Y Y x y
  add neg 1 add mul 2 index div       % x y Y Y*(-(x+y)+1)/y=Z
  4 1 roll                            % Z x y Y
  dup                                 % Z x y Y Y=Y
  5 1 roll                            % Y Z x y Y
  3 2 roll                            % Y Z y Y x
  mul exch div                        % Y Z Y*x/y=X
  3 1 roll }                          % X Y Z

  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll}

% -------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAWING


    100 div exch 100 div exch       % x y   (chromaticity)
    1.0                               % x y Y (chromaticity+luminance)
    \xyYtoXYZ                         % X Y Z (XYZ)
    \expandafter\applyMatrix\XYZtoRGB % R G B (sRGB linear)
    \gammaCorrectVector }             % R G B (sRGB gamma corrected)

\begin{scope} [shift={(-50bp,-50bp)}, scale=10bp/1cm]
  % Background + viewport
  %\fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
  %\useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
  % xy grid
  %\draw [dashed, gray] grid (10,10);
  \begin{scope} [scale=10]
    % Spectral locus marks
    \path [mark=*, mark repeat=2, white]
      plot [mark size=0.10, mark phase=1] coordinates {\spectralLocus}
      plot [mark size=0.05, mark phase=2] coordinates {\spectralLocus};
    % Smooth spectral locus contour for clipping
    \clip [smooth] plot coordinates {\spectralLocus} -- cycle;
    % sRGB color space
    % Standard illuminant mark
    \draw [gray] \whitepointLocus circle (0.005);
    % Reference primaries gamut
    \fill [black, even odd rule, opacity=0.5]
      rectangle +(1,1) plot coordinates {\primariesLoci} -- cycle;
    % Planckian locus markings
    \path [mark=*,gray]
      plot [mark size=0.05, mark repeat=10] coordinates {\planckianLocus}
      plot [mark size=0.01, mark repeat=1 ] coordinates {\planckianLocus};

\begin{axis} [
  xmajorgrids,ymajorgrids,major grid style={dashed},
  at={(current bounding box.south west)},
  axis on top=false,
  \addplot [red,thick,domain=0:1,samples=100] {x};


enter image description here




% ------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW DATA

%  http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/color/freq-rgb.html
% Spectral stimuli colors - CIE 1931
\def\spectralLocus{ % xy coordinates from 390nm to 700nm in steps of 5nm

%  http://www.vendian.org/mncharity/dir3/blackbody/UnstableURLs/bbr_color.html
% Blackbody colors - CIE 1931
\def\planckianLocus{ % xy coordinates from 1000K to 40000K in steps of 100K

% ---------------------------------------------- sRGB COLORSPACE SPECIFICATION

% DATASET ORIGIN: http://www.color.org/sRGB.xalter

% CIE chromaticities for ITU-R BT.709 reference primaries
  (0.6400,0.3300)  % R
  (0.3000,0.6000)  % G
  (0.1500,0.0600)} % B

% CIE standard illuminant D65

% Derived transformation matrix
  { 3.2410}{-1.5374}{-0.4986}
  {-0.9692}{ 1.8760}{ 0.0416}
  { 0.0556}{-0.2040}{ 1.0570}}

 % Linear color to gamma corrected transform
  dup 0.0031308 le                    % if < 0.0031308
  {12.92 mul}                         % then linear transform
  {1 2.4 div exp 1.055 mul -0.055 add}% else power transform
  ifelse }

% ------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE 4 HELPERS

  #3 mul     exch
  #2 mul add exch
  #1 mul add }

  3 copy 3 copy
  \scalarProduct{#7}{#8}{#9} 7 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#4}{#5}{#6} 5 1 roll
  \scalarProduct{#1}{#2}{#3} 3 1 roll }

\def\xyYtoXYZ{                        % x y Y
  3 copy 3 1 roll                     % x y Y Y x y
  add neg 1 add mul 2 index div       % x y Y Y*(-(x+y)+1)/y=Z
  4 1 roll                            % Z x y Y
  dup                                 % Z x y Y Y=Y
  5 1 roll                            % Y Z x y Y
  3 2 roll                            % Y Z y Y x
  mul exch div                        % Y Z Y*x/y=X
  3 1 roll }                          % X Y Z

  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll
  \gammaCorrect 3 1 roll}

% -------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAWING


    1000 div exch 1000 div exch       % x y   (chromaticity)
    1.0                               % x y Y (chromaticity+luminance)
    \xyYtoXYZ                         % X Y Z (XYZ)
    \expandafter\applyMatrix\XYZtoRGB % R G B (sRGB linear)
    \gammaCorrectVector }             % R G B (sRGB gamma corrected)

\begin{axis} [axis background/.style={fill=black}, scale=200bp/5cm,xmajorgrids,ymajorgrids,major grid style={dashed},xmin=0,xmax=0.9,ymin=0,ymax=0.9,width=5cm,height=5cm]
    % Spectral locus marks
    \addplot [mark=*, mark repeat=2, white]
      plot [mark size=0.10, mark phase=1] coordinates {\spectralLocus}
      plot [mark size=0.05, mark phase=2] coordinates {\spectralLocus};

    \addplot [shading=colorspace] plot coordinates {\spectralLocus} -- cycle;
    % Standard illuminant mark
    \draw [gray] \whitepointLocus circle (0.005);
    % Reference primaries gamut
    \fill [black, even odd rule, opacity=0.5] rectangle +(1,1) plot coordinates {\primariesLoci} -- cycle;
    % Planckian locus markings
    \addplot [mark=*,gray]
      plot [mark size=0.05, mark repeat=10] coordinates {\planckianLocus}
      plot [mark size=0.01, mark repeat=1 ] coordinates {\planckianLocus};

  \addplot [red,thick,domain=0:0.8,samples=100] {x};


enter image description here
