在两个 TikZ 路径的交点处相减

在两个 TikZ 路径的交点处相减


    \begin{scope} [local bounding box=BoxWest]
    \def\pathone{(.5*\maxX + .5*\minX,\maxY) 
        -- (-\Roundness + \maxX,\maxY)
        arc (90:0:\Roundness)
     -- (\maxX,\minY +\Roundness)
        arc (360:270:\Roundness)
        -- (.5*\maxX+ .5*\minX,\minY )}
        \path [name path=pathone, draw=green] \pathone;         
        \path [name path=pathtow, draw=blue](\CX,\CY)
        circle (\CR);   
         \path [name intersections={of = pathone and pathtwo}];
         \coordinate (A)  at (intersection-1);
         \coordinate (B)  at (intersection-2);

到目前为止,我已经能够创建两条路径并找到它们的相交点,但我不知道如何创建新路径,正如我所解释的那样。The Two paths


完成修订:fillbetween 库已实现所有这些功能,我在这个问题

\usepackage{pgfplots} % loads tikz
%\tikzset{fill between/optimize name intersections=true}
It turns out that the \verb|tikzlibraryfillbetween| library has macros for these
Excerpts from the file \verb|tikzlibraryfillbetween.code.tex|:
\path[intersection segments={of=first and second, 
sequence=A0 -- B1 -- B3  A3[reverse] -- A1}];
This seems to suggest that one should refer to paths as \verb|A| and \verb|B|.
However, from \verb|tikzlibraryfillbetween.code.tex| one can read off that the
relevant path names are \verb|A|, \verb|B|, \verb|L| and \verb|R|. From the
order it appears that \verb|A| and \verb|B| are more accurate if the first path
(\verb|A|) is above the second one (\verb|B|), whereas  \verb|L| and \verb|R|
apply if the first path (\verb|L|) is left of the second one (\verb|R|). One
also finds in \verb|tikzlibraryfillbetween.code.tex|:
% FIXME : this optimization needs much more work... I believe it
% would be stable enough, but it covers too few cases.
%/tikz/fill between/optimize name intersections=true,
which is probably to be interpreted as that not everything works as it should.
Nonetheless, in the example at hand, it works fine.

    \def\pathone{(.5*\maxX + .5*\minX,\maxY) 
        -- (-\Roundness + \maxX,\maxY)
        arc (90:0:\Roundness)
     -- (\maxX,\minY +\Roundness)
        arc (360:270:\Roundness)
        -- (.5*\maxX+ .5*\minX,\minY )}
    \path[name path = pathone, draw,green] \pathone;
    \path[name path = pathtwo, draw,blue] (\CX,\CY) circle (\CR);
    \draw[red,very thick,rounded corners, intersection segments={of=pathone and pathtwo,
    sequence=L1--R2 L3}];

enter image description here




    \begin{scope} [local bounding box=BoxWest]
    \def\pathone{(.5*\maxX + .5*\minX,\maxY) 
        -- (-\Roundness + \maxX,\maxY)
        arc (90:0:\Roundness)
     -- (\maxX,\minY +\Roundness)
        arc (360:270:\Roundness)
        -- (.5*\maxX+ .5*\minX,\minY )}
        \path [name path=pathone, draw=green] \pathone;         
        \path [name path=pathtwo, draw=blue](\CX,\CY)
        circle (\CR);   
         \path [name intersections={of =pathone and pathtwo}];
         \coordinate (A)  at (intersection-1);
         \coordinate (B)  at (intersection-2);
         \clip (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding
         box.north east) --
          (\CX,\CY) circle (\CR);
         \draw [red] \pathone; 
         \clip \pathone;
          (\CX,\CY) circle (\CR);
         \draw [red] (\CX,\CY) circle (\CR); 



enter image description here

Heiko 的路径是通过将最后一个剪辑更改为

     \clip (current bounding box.south east) rectangle (current bounding
     box.north west) --\pathone;

enter image description here



  \begin{tikzpicture}[x=10pt, y=10pt]

    \pgfmathsetmacro\OneWestX{.5*\maxX + .5*\minX}

    \pgfmathsetmacro\DiffY{sqrt(\CR * \CR - \DiffX * \DiffX)}

    \draw[rounded corners]
      (\OneWestX, \OneNorthY)
      -- (\OneEastX, \OneNorthY)
      -- (\OneEastX, \CY + \DiffY) % North intersection point
        start angle=180 - \DiffAngle,
        delta angle=-360+2*\DiffAngle,
      -- (\OneEastX, \OneSouthY)
      -- (\OneWestX, \OneSouthY)


根据您的需要调整线连接(从问题中看不清楚)。示例使用rounded corners让 TikZ 进行计算。另外,我使用了圆的右侧部分(也不清楚)。左侧部分更容易指定。
