

我正在尝试使用\fontfamily命令为文档中的特定内容插入特定类型的字体。此外,使用该命令\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{<Font Name>}似乎也不起作用。这些命令相对简单,我基本上只想更改字体系列。这可能是由于我的某些软件包存在兼容性问题吗?





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\centering \section*{ECE 331 - Exam 1 Pitfall Notes}

\textbf{\today \mbox{ }- \currenttime}


\texttt{Note that typewriter command $\backslash$texttt does not really change the font}

{\myfont This text is also supposed to be in Courier format}

OK guys. In what follows, I will provide you with a some notes about your pitfalls, why they are pitfalls and how to avoid or rectify them.

\paragraph{Area Conversion.} I \strong{noted that many} of you make mistakes when converting from $cm^{2}$ to $m^{2}$. When doing  conversion of areas from one unit to another, the original unit is scaled \emph{twice}. Hence, converting from $cm^{2}$ to $m^{2}$ requires that you divide over $100$ two times. For instance, $30 \thickspace cm^{2} = \frac{30}{100\times100} \thickspace m^{2} \Rightarrow 30 \thickspace cm^{2} =  0.003 \thickspace m^{2}$.

\paragraph{Neglecting Air Gap in Iron Cores.} The relative permeability of iron can be thousands of times that of air ($\mu_{r} = 2000-100,000$), which means that the reluctance of the air gap $\displaystyle \mathcal{R}_{g} = \frac{l_{g}}{\mu_{\note} A_{g}}$ would be much more than the reluctance of the core $\displaystyle \mathcal{R}_{c} = \frac{l_{c}}{\mu_{r}\mu_{\note} A_{c}}$. Hence, significant error would definitely result in if you did not take into account the air gap in magnetic~circuits.


\textit{\Large All the best,}


\emph{\Large Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh}



您不能使用任意名称作​​为字体系列。必须先声明它们。使用 fontspec 时,您可以使用 来执行此操作NFSSFamily,但也可以简单地定义新的字体系列。



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standard text

{\ttfamily courier}

{\fontfamily{dejamono}\selectfont DejaVu Sans Mono} is then equivalent to 
{\verbatimfont DejaVu}

