使用 Cleveref 将子图标签以斜体和括号放置在正常字体中

使用 Cleveref 将子图标签以斜体和括号放置在正常字体中

我正在写一篇文章,根据格式规范,我需要将子图标签用斜体表示,并将其括号用普通罗马字体表示(不带斜体),即(A) 作为标签。同样,我需要以相同的方式交叉引用子图,即斜体字母数字标签和正常字体括号,例如图 1(A)。请指教如何使用 cleveref 和 subfig 包实现这一点,如下方 MWE 所示。



\usepackage[labelformat=simple,labelfont=it]{subfig}%places subfig labels in italic
\renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{(\alph{subfigure})}%alphabetic subfigure numbering
    %add dash as between subfig numbers and Strips redundant 
    %figure digit to be Figures 11(a)-(g)

    My challenge is place the subfigure labels in italics and their 
    parentheses in normal roman font (without italics).

\caption{Now these labels \protect\subref*{fig:1a}, 
    \protect\subref*{fig:1b}, $\dots$, \protect\subref*{fig:1d} should be 
    placed in italics and their parenthesis in normal roman font (without 
    italics), i.e (\textit{a})}

    Moreover, I wish to crossreference this \Cref{fig:1a} with the label "a" 
    in italics and parenthesis in normal roman font (without italics), i.e., 
    Figure~(\textit{a}) and similarly \Cref{fig:1a,fig:1b,fig:1c,fig:1d}, 
    i.e. Figures~(\textit{a})--(\textit{d}) .






\renewcommand{\p@subfigure}{} % remove the figure number "prefix"
%% only the alphabetic label should be in italics:
%% change range conjunction indicator to "en-dash" (default is " to ")





\caption{The labels \protect\subref*{fig:1a}, \protect\subref*{fig:1b}, 
   \dots, \protect\subref*{fig:1d} should be placed in italics and 
   their parentheses in normal roman font (without italics), i.e., 
   (\textit{a}), etc.}

My challenge is to place the subfigure labels in italics and their 
parentheses in upright roman font (without italics).

E.g., I wish to cross-reference \Cref{fig:1a} with the label~``a'' in 
italics and the parentheses in normal roman font (without italics), i.e., 

Finally, both \cref{fig:1a,fig:1b,fig:1c,fig:1d} and 
\crefrange{fig:1a}{fig:1d} should be typeset as 

