



我创建了一个模板文件,如果可能的话,我希望能够针对整个文档而不是每个段落进行更改。如果有帮助的话,我附上了下面的 tex 代码。







{\huge \textbf{Council of the Staff Minutes}}


    \item[Chair]{Roberta Harmon}
    \item[Secretary]{Justin Farischon}
    \item[Date of Meeting]{February 27, 2018 10:00-11:00}
    \item[Location]{Robeson Room - Library}

\section{Call to Order and Welcome}
    Meeting was called to order at 10:09.

\section{Approval or Correction of January 23, 2018 Minutes}
    Motion was made to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion was seconded.

\section{Chair's Report}
    \subsection{Substantial Completion of the Forum Constitution \& Bylaws}
        The Forum Constitution and Bylaws are in the final draft and will be going for electronic vote soon.  The Ad-Hoc Committee worked for several months on the new Constitution and Bylaws to make them simplified and easier to follow.  

    \subsection{Revised Campus Display Policy}
        The Diversity Council is proposing a policy on how they will hand complaints for campus displays.

``\textbf{Challenge process:}  Any member of the RVCC community who objects to the content of a campus display must express their concerns in writing and submit these to the Chair of Diversity Council for review by the CDC.  A response to such a complaint will be provided by the Chair of the Diversity Council within 48 hours.  However, no action related to the exhibit may be taken until the CDC has made a decision about the complaint and delivered their response. This policy applies to all members of the RVCC community, including students, employees, and visitors.''
    \subsection{Responding to items of concern brought to the Forum Steering Committee.}
        Forum steering committee is addressing more general concerns, now that the academic committees have moved to a separate Academic Steering Committee.
            \item{Smoking policy - (Will need representation on an Ad-Hoc Committee)}

                The Forum was charged by the President to review and revamp the College no-smoking policy. The Forum Steering Committee created an Ad-Hoc Committee to handle this issue. Rose Arroyo volunteered to represent the Council of Staff on the Ad-Hoc Committee.

                We discussed problems with the old policy.  Including how no one was keeping track of the fines and that the students are not required to have College ID cards.  

                It was mentioned that Security would have to be the ones to enforce the no smoking policy.              
            \item{Wheelchair Access}

                Last Forum it was brought to attention that several areas of the college are not truely accessable to handicapped members of the college.  We discussed that the power doors in many areas of the college are not working.  And that they seem to be constantly broken.
            \item{Campus Safety (in light of the Florida shooting)}

\section{Committee Report - Community Life (Parking - Cindy Coulbourne)}
    The Community Life Committee has been tasked with looking into and proposing recommendations to the President.  Some of the proposed ideas include hang tags or stickers for vehicles, registering vehicles, a shuttle for cars parked in Lot 5 and having transient parking spaces specifically for adjunct faculty that are only here for an hour or two.  It was mentioned that students are parking in staff parking spots, and that there is plenty of parking in Lot 5.

\section{Nominations for the Forum (Vice-Chair (2yr term) \& Secretary (1yr term))}
    It was mentioned that the Forum Steering Committee Vice-Chair \& Secretary positions are open for nominations this year.

\section{Nominations for CoS (Chair, Vice-Chair \& Secretary)}
    It was mentioned that the Council of Staff positions of Chair, Vice-Chair \& Secretary will be open for nomination this year.  Roberta Harmon was renominated for the Position of Chair.  No one was nominated for the position of Vice-Chair.  Justin Farischon was renominated for the Position of Secretary.

\section{Old Business}
    Ronnie Weyl is looking for interest from Council of Staff for $50^{th}$ Anniversary Committees.  Particularly, the 12 themes subgroup and the events of campus subgroup.  Roberta will send an email with the list of tasks for each group.

\section{New Business}
    Friday March $2^{nd}$, in Conference Center Room B \& C, There will be a Forum meeting where the President will go over the college budget.

    Friday April $13^{th}$, in E109, the President will explain the plan for the student dormitory.

\section{Good of the Order}

\section{Motion to Adjourn}
    Motion was made to adjourn at 11:04.





\titlespacing*{\section}{-2em}{*2}{*0} // Move the section title 2em to the left.








{\huge \textbf{Council of the Staff Minutes}}


    \item[Chair]{Roberta Harmon}
    \item[Secretary]{Justin Farischon}
    \item[Date of Meeting]{February 27, 2018 10:00-11:00}
    \item[Location]{Robeson Room - Library}

\section{Call to Order and Welcome}
    Meeting was called to order at 10:09.

\section{Approval or Correction of January 23, 2018 Minutes}
    Motion was made to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion was seconded.

\section{Chair's Report}
    \subsection{Substantial Completion of the Forum Constitution \& Bylaws}
        The Forum Constitution and Bylaws are in the final draft and will be going for electronic vote soon.  The Ad-Hoc Committee worked for several months on the new Constitution and Bylaws to make them simplified and easier to follow.  

    \subsection{Revised Campus Display Policy}
        The Diversity Council is proposing a policy on how they will hand complaints for campus displays.

``\textbf{Challenge process:}  Any member of the RVCC community who objects to the content of a campus display must express their concerns in writing and submit these to the Chair of Diversity Council for review by the CDC.  A response to such a complaint will be provided by the Chair of the Diversity Council within 48 hours.  However, no action related to the exhibit may be taken until the CDC has made a decision about the complaint and delivered their response. This policy applies to all members of the RVCC community, including students, employees, and visitors.''
    \subsection{Responding to items of concern brought to the Forum Steering Committee.}
        Forum steering committee is addressing more general concerns, now that the academic committees have moved to a separate Academic Steering Committee.
            \item{Smoking policy - (Will need representation on an Ad-Hoc Committee)}

                The Forum was charged by the President to review and revamp the College no-smoking policy. The Forum Steering Committee created an Ad-Hoc Committee to handle this issue. Rose Arroyo volunteered to represent the Council of Staff on the Ad-Hoc Committee.

                We discussed problems with the old policy.  Including how no one was keeping track of the fines and that the students are not required to have College ID cards.  

                It was mentioned that Security would have to be the ones to enforce the no smoking policy.              
            \item{Wheelchair Access}

                Last Forum it was brought to attention that several areas of the college are not truely accessable to handicapped members of the college.  We discussed that the power doors in many areas of the college are not working.  And that they seem to be constantly broken.
            \item{Campus Safety (in light of the Florida shooting)}

\section{Committee Report - Community Life (Parking - Cindy Coulbourne)}
    The Community Life Committee has been tasked with looking into and proposing recommendations to the President.  Some of the proposed ideas include hang tags or stickers for vehicles, registering vehicles, a shuttle for cars parked in Lot 5 and having transient parking spaces specifically for adjunct faculty that are only here for an hour or two.  It was mentioned that students are parking in staff parking spots, and that there is plenty of parking in Lot 5.

\section{Nominations for the Forum (Vice-Chair (2yr term) \& Secretary (1yr term))}
    It was mentioned that the Forum Steering Committee Vice-Chair \& Secretary positions are open for nominations this year.

\section{Nominations for CoS (Chair, Vice-Chair \& Secretary)}
    It was mentioned that the Council of Staff positions of Chair, Vice-Chair \& Secretary will be open for nomination this year.  Roberta Harmon was renominated for the Position of Chair.  No one was nominated for the position of Vice-Chair.  Justin Farischon was renominated for the Position of Secretary.

\section{Old Business}
    Ronnie Weyl is looking for interest from Council of Staff for $50^{th}$ Anniversary Committees.  Particularly, the 12 themes subgroup and the events of campus subgroup.  Roberta will send an email with the list of tasks for each group.

\section{New Business}
    Friday March $2^{nd}$, in Conference Center Room B \& C, There will be a Forum meeting where the President will go over the college budget.

    Friday April $13^{th}$, in E109, the President will explain the plan for the student dormitory.

\section{Good of the Order}

\section{Motion to Adjourn}
    Motion was made to adjourn at 11:04.




如果不需要在层级上写任何文字\section(即没有缩进),马塞尔的建议可能是最简单的解决方案。如果您这样做,这里有一个建议。(我使用 KOMA-Script(scrartcl),它可以让您非常轻松地格式化子部分标题。)




% 1. fixed number width
    \RedeclareSectionCommand[indent=\dimexpr -\subsectionindentlength\relax]{subsection}
            \hskip #2\rlap{#3}%
            \@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}%

% 2. fixed number indentation and distance to heading
%   \RedeclareSectionCommand[indent=\dimexpr -\subsectionindentlength\relax]{subsection}

% 3. fixed heading indentation and distance to number
%   \renewcommand\sectionlinesformat[4]{%
%       \ifstr{#1}{subsection}{%
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%       }{%
%           \@hangfrom{\hskip #2#3}{#4}%
%       }%
%   }

    % create commands to indent and unindent (but not multiple times)
    % modify \section and \subsection as to take care of indentation
    % \par is necessary to make sure the indentation does not take place in the paragraph before the hea


Text here is not indented.

Text here is.

\subsection{Thirteenth, really really long subsection title, that does not fit into a single line and has to be broken}
Everything should work fine.



  1. 我们可以固定小节编号的宽度,这样标题的缩进量与文本的缩进量相同(如您的示例所示)。如果您有很多小节,则可能需要相当大的缩进量(如您的示例所示)。\subsectionindentlength如果您喜欢这种可能性,只需增加值即可。 第一种可能性

  2. 我们可以固定小节编号与标题之间的距离(通常都是这样做的)。根据缩进,标题(尤其是当标题很长时)不会以与文本相同的缩进开始(或继续)。另一方面,您不必担心编号的长度。 第二种可能性

  3. 我们可以同时固定标题的缩进和数字与标题的距离(与 Marcel 的回答非常相似)。在这里,小节编号不会全部从相同的缩进开始(甚至可能从边距开始)。 第三种可能性

