如何在 Tex Live 中安装 platex.exe(日语)。Re:Tex2img

如何在 Tex Live 中安装 platex.exe(日语)。Re:Tex2img

我想使用 Tex2img。它有一个选项,即创建 svg 输出,但它似乎正在寻找 platex.exe(日语,而不是波兰语)来执行此操作。

当我安装 Tex Live 时,我选择了“中等”安装。platex.exe 不存在(uplatex.exe 也不存在)。不清楚我需要 Tex Live Manager 中的哪个包。我需要哪个包?



你可以使用tlmgr info 查看哪个包


 tlmgr info ptex
package:     ptex
category:    Package
shortdesc:   A TeX system for publishing in Japanese
longdesc:    PTeX adds features related to vertical writing, and deals with other problems in typesetting Japanese. A set of additions to a TEXMF tree, for use with PTeX, may be found in package PTeX-texmf. PTeX is distributed as WEB change files.
installed:   Yes
revision:    46954
sizes:       doc: 89k, bin: 3653k
relocatable: No
cat-date:    2018-01-06 12:14:59 +0100
cat-license: other-free
cat-topics:  engine japanese
collection:  collection-langjapanese

因此,您可以安装 ptex 和 platex 包或整个 collection-langjapanese
