调整 itemize 环境中的字间距

调整 itemize 环境中的字间距




\item The predicate \textbf{\emph{authenticateWith}} is defined to associate \textbf{Federation} and \textbf{Centre} individuals, e.g. \emph{authenticateWith}(\emph{Birmingham03}, \emph{INPDR}) refers to the fact that identity certificates issued from the centre \emph{Birmingham03} can be automatically verified by \emph{INPDR}.



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\item The predicate \textbf{authenticateWidth} is defined to associate   \textbf{Federation and Centre individuals}, e.g. \textit{AuthenticateWidth(Birminghamoz, INPDR)} refers to the fact that identity certificates issued from the centre \textit{Birminghamoz} can be automatically verified by INPDR.

 \item The predicate \textbf{\emph{trust}} is defined to associate    \textbf{Centre} individuals, e.g. \emph{trust}(\emph{Udine02}, \emph{Berlin03}) refers to an organisational trust relation between centres \emph{Udine02} and \emph{Berlin03}.

正如 Ian Thompson 所写,我建议您发送一个代码示例来重现问题。这对于解决您的问题和帮助遇到同样问题的人非常有用,这是专业软件开发人员采用的典型规则。
