如何在 itemize 或 list 环境中使用 align gather?

如何在 itemize 或 list 环境中使用 align gather?

我想使用 align 或命令在 itemize 环境下对每个方程进行编号。但是效果不太好。提前感谢您的耐心等待。错误:Runaway 参数?with\quad U(c_t,l_t)&=\theta \ln c_t+(1-\theta )\ln (1-l_t), 0<\theta \ETC. ! 段落在 \align 完成之前结束。 \par 但我不知道如何更正它。我的代码如下:

\section{Economic Environment}
\item{Consumption of a representative agent at period-t:}$c_t$.
\item{Labor of a representative agent at period-t:}$l_t$.

\item{The expected value of lifetime utility:}

\qquad$\biggl[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^t U(c_t,l_t)\biggr]$
with\quad U(c_t,l_t)&=\theta\ln c_t+(1-\theta)\ln (1-l_t), 0<\theta<1.\\
\item {Final output:}y
\item {Capital of equipment and Structure:}k&=k_e+k_s.\\
\item {Utilization rate of equipment:}h.
\item {Total factor productivity(TFP):}z.
\item{Production technology:}
\qquad y&=F(h k_e,k_s,l,z)\\
    &=z(h k_e)^{\alpha_e} k_s^{\alpha_s} l^{(1-\alpha_e-\alpha_s)}, \quad 
 0<\alpha_e,\alpha_s,\alpha_e+\alpha_s<1 \\
\item{Investment in equipment and structures:}

\qquad i&=i_e+i_s \\
\item{Adjustment costs that can be used for consumption, c,investment in 
 structures and equipment:}

\qquad a&=a_e+a_s\\
\qquad a_e&=A_e(k_e'/q,k_e/q;\eta)\\
      &=e^{\eta}\phi_e{(k_e'/q-\kappa_e k_e/q)}^2/(k_e/q) \quad with 
              &=\phi_s{(k_s'-\kappa_s k_s)}^2/k_s.
\item{Resource constraints:}

\qquad y&=a+c+i_e+i_s
\item{The stock of structures accumulation equation:}

\qquad k_s'&=(1-\delta_s)k_s+i_s, where  0<\delta<1.\\
\item $q$: The current state of the technology for producing equipment.
\item{The equipment accumulation equation:}

\qquad k_e'&=(1-\delta_e(h))k_e+i_eq\\
\item{Equipment depreciation function:}

\qquad \delta_e(h)&=\frac{b}{\omega}h^\omega, \omega>1.\\
\item{Process of TFP:}

\qquad z_{t+1}&=\gamma_z^{t+1}e^{\zeta_{t+1}},\\

\qquad where $\zeta_{t+1}$ follows the distribution 
function Z(\zeta'|\zeta)&=Pr\{\zeta_{t+1}=\zeta'|\zeta_t=\zeta\}.\\
\item{Process of investment specific technology:}

\qquad q_{t+1}&=\gamma_q^{t+1}e^\eta_{t+1},\\

\qquad where $\eta_{t+1}$ follows the distribution 
function $H(\eta'|\eta)=Pr\{\eta_{t+1}=\eta'|\eta_t=\eta\}.$









    \item $c_t$: Consumption of a representative agent at period-$t$.
    \item $l_t$: Labor of a representative agent at period-$t$.
    E\biggl[\sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^t U(c_t,l_t)\biggr]
U(c_t,l_t)=\theta\ln c_t+(1-\theta)\ln (1-l_t), 0<\theta<1.
    \item $y$: Final Output.
    \item $k=k_e+k_s$: Capital equipment and Structure.
    \item $h$: Utilization rate of equipment.
    \item $z$: Total Factor Productivity.
    y=F(h k_e,k_s,l,z)=z(h k_e)^{\alpha_e} k_s^{\alpha_s} l^{(1-\alpha_e-
    \alpha_s)}, \quad 0<\alpha_e,\alpha_s,\alpha_e+\alpha_s<1
Production Technology.
   \item $i=i_e+i_s$: Investment in equipment and structures.
   \item $a=a_e+a_s$: Adjustment costs that can be used for 
    consumption,c,investment in structures and equipment.
    $y=a+c+i_e+i_s$: Resource Constraints.\\
    $k_s'=(1-\delta_s)k_s+i_s$, where $0<\delta<1$: The stock of structures 
    accumulation equation.
    \item $q$: The current state of the technology for producing equipment.
    $k_e'=(1-\delta_e(h))k_e+i_eq$:The equipment accumulation equation.
    \delta_e(h)=\frac{b}{\omega}h^\omega, \omega>1
Equipment depreciation 
