\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
ylabel=Satisfied Requests,
height=5cm, width=8cm,
legend cell align=left, legend columns=-1, legend style={inner xsep=2pt, inner ysep=2pt,at={(0.365,0.216)},anchor=east,font=\tiny},
label style={font=\small},
legend columns=1,
xticklabel style={anchor=near xticklabel},
ymin=0.2, ymax=0.6, ytick={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6},
xmin=0, xmax=1.1, xtick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=square,red] table[x=x, y=y] {a.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=asterisk,blue] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-2.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=2.3pt,mark=diamond,black] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-3.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=o,brown] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-4.txt};
%\legend{Proactive high load, Proactive low load, Reactive low load, Reactive high load}
ylabel=Satisfied Requests,
xlabel=Cache size,
height=5cm, width=8cm,
legend cell align=left, legend columns=-1, legend style={inner xsep=2pt, inner ysep=2pt,at={(0.996,0.21)},anchor=east,font=\tiny},
label style={font=\small},
legend columns=1,
xticklabel style={anchor=near xticklabel},
ymin=0, ymax=1.1, ytick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
xmin=0, xmax=1.1, xtick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=square,red] table[x=x, y=y] {a.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=asterisk,blue] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-2.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=2.3pt,mark=diamond,black] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-3.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=o,brown] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-4.txt};
%\legend{Proactive high load, Proactive low load, Reactive low load, Reactive high load}
\caption{Simulation results for Proactive vs. Reactive caching with low and high load. (a) Hit radio vs. Number of requests (b) Hit radio vs. cache size}
x y
0.1 0.53896
0.2 0.52122
0.3 0.50326
0.4 0.48145
0.5 0.45054
0.6 0.42319
0.7 0.40357
0.8 0.38396
0.9 0.36315
1 0.34668
%???\ifCLASSINFOpdf \else \fi
%\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
% you have this twice but networks and semiconductor already the default
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
ylabel=Satisfied Requests,
height=5cm, width=8cm,
legend cell align=left, legend columns=-1, legend style={inner xsep=2pt, inner ysep=2pt,at={(0.365,0.216)},anchor=east,font=\tiny},
label style={font=\small},
legend columns=1,
xticklabel style={anchor=near xticklabel},
ymin=0.2, ymax=0.6, ytick={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6},
xmin=0, xmax=1.1, xtick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=square,red] table[x=x, y=y] {a.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=asterisk,blue] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-2.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=2.3pt,mark=diamond,black] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-3.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=o,brown] table[x=x, y=y] {Request vs. satisfied requests-4.txt};
%\legend{Proactive high load, Proactive low load, Reactive low load, Reactive high load}
ylabel=Satisfied Requests,
xlabel=Cache size,
height=5cm, width=8cm,
legend cell align=left, legend columns=-1, legend style={inner xsep=2pt, inner ysep=2pt,at={(0.996,0.21)},anchor=east,font=\tiny},
label style={font=\small},
legend columns=1,
xticklabel style={anchor=near xticklabel},
ymin=0, ymax=1.1, ytick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
xmin=0, xmax=1.1, xtick={0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0},
\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=square,red] table[x=x, y=y] {a.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=asterisk,blue] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-2.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=2.3pt,mark=diamond,black] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-3.txt};
%\addplot [thick,mark size=1.8pt,mark=o,brown] table[x=x, y=y] {Cache vs. satisfied requests-4.txt};
%\legend{Proactive high load, Proactive low load, Reactive low load, Reactive high load}
\caption{Simulation results for Proactive vs. Reactive caching with low and high load. (a) Hit radio vs. Number of requests (b) Hit radio vs. cache size}